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10 Oh-So-Cute ‘Good Morning’ Texts To Send Your Boyfriend!

10 Oh-So-Cute ‘Good Morning’ Texts To Send Your Boyfriend!

Sending each other good morning texts is quite a cute relationship ritual, isn’t it? Starting your day with a message from the love of your life is bound to put a huge, sleepy smile on your face. For days when you want to hug and kiss him as soon as you wake up, but can’t, here’s what you can do. Send him these cute good morning texts instead of the conventional ones!

1. ‘My favourite mornings are the ones when I wake up next to you, give you a sloppy, sleepy kiss and watch you get all squirmy and cute!’

Because let’s face it, nothing beats that!

1 good morning texts

2. ‘Morning you goofball! Time to spread some madness in the world!’

An ear to ear grin – guaranteed!


3. ‘One of these days I wanna give you a good morning tickle and watch you pop out of your bed like a toast!’

Bahahah! You would love to do that, won’t you?

3 good morning texts

4. ‘Your stupid face kinda makes my day better. Send me an uncensored morning selfie?’

Because bae be cute AF!

Also Read Long Distance Relationship Messages To Make Your Boyfriend Melt!


5. ‘Do you know that your straight-out-of-bed look kind of scares the sh*t out of me? But that’s exactly the kind of nightmare I want to wake up to!’

‘Coz you just ‘louve’ him!

5 good morning texts

6. ‘The best morning is when you get me breakfast in bed! P.S. There’s a breakfast place around the corner. I love their Irish coffee and blueberry pancakes.’

…That’s exactly how it’s done!

7. ‘Do you really have to go to work today? I got some chilled beer and a pendrive filled with all of the seasons of Friends.

And then hope and pray he says no!


7 good morning texts

8. ‘Here’s a duck-faced selfie to help you battle your Monday blues.’ <Attach your selfie>

It’ll make him go bahahaha!

9. ‘Babe, you need to stop this. I have been hiccupping continuously for the last 20 minutes. Just get up already and stop dreaming about me!’

Isn’t it an ‘aww’ worthy text to send?

9 good morning texts


10. ‘Okay, so I fell off my bed. Can you come help me out. Oh… And can you pick up a tub of chocolate ice-cream on your way? I got my period today. Kay thanks.’

This one’s reserved for that day when Aunt Flo pays a visit, and you want to wake up to his face and ice cream!

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