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16 World Health Day 2022 Activities For A Physically & Mentally Fit Body

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7 every year and is aimed at spreading awareness about mental and physical health. It marks the founding day of the World Health Organization and is observed by all government and non-government health bodies. The theme for World Health Day 2022 is ‘Building a fairer, healthier world’. And this also means that it’s time to indulge in World Health Day activities.

Now that we’re in the middle of a global pandemic, it’s even more essential that we speak up about healthy living and global access to health care service. Here are some World Health Day activities that can help you celebrate your privilege while drawing attention to the health-related problems in an unequal world like ours, much like the theme of 2022.

World Health Day Activities For Kids

world health day activities for kids


1. Physical health is just as important in today’s time when we’re all cooped up at home amid the pandemic. Peel your kids away from the screen and take them for a run or a hike and teach them that physical fitness is an important part of self-care. 


2. Have a discussion with your kids about mental health. You can also take a moment to teach your kids about mindfulness and meditation. In fact, we’d recommend you hold a 10-15 minute long meditation session with your kid. 

3. An art and craft session with your kid makes for a great World Health Day activity. Make it all about hygiene or nutrition like an oral health care chart or a food and vegetable nutritional value chart. Make a healthy fruit or vegetable salad with them and remember to include ingredients from their chart in it. You can also try vegetable painting a fun way to celebrate this day. 

4. A seminar on health and hygiene-related etiquette can also be a great way to teach your kids and have fun this World Health Day. Have a session on oral hygiene, sneezing etiquettes, hand hygiene and other such things. 

5. Look up health-related poems online and teach them to your kids. Poems make it easier for your kids to learn about health and hygiene and remember it in the long run. 


World Health Day Activities To Celebrate The Day At Home

world health day activities at home


1. Make your World Health Day activity about accessible healthcare for the underprivileged. Take a step towards making the world equal in terms of healthcare by donating towards the cause. 

2. Attend a virtual seminar on global health care and try to understand the problem in depth. This can widen the horizons of your knowledge and make it easier to contribute towards the cause. 

3. Take a moment to raise awareness about global health-related problems via social media. In today’s time, we’re all active on Instagram or Twitter and while we may not have a large number of followers, it can help in getting the conversation started. 


4. Thank all the health care heroes and frontline workers who became the backbone of our nation amid the global Coronavirus pandemic. 

5. A healthy eating challenge or resolution is a great way to celebrate this day. On the occasion of World Health Day, promise to eat healthy and nutritious food and remember that it’s never too late to start!

World Health Day Activities To Do In Office

world health day activities to do in office


1. Wondering about World Health Day activities to do in office? Well, hold a fitness seminar in your office and if you’re working from home, it can always be a virtual one. 


2. You can always host a fun yoga or aerobics or maybe even a Zumba session at work. It can be a great way to unwind while you celebrate World Health Day at work. 

3. Incentivise fitness or exercise goals. Hold a marathon or some other fitness related competition with a prize that makes everyone at work want to take it up. Give the winner a gym membership or a fitness band to drive home the point. 

4. Ban all unhealthy snacks at work. Health is also about what we eat and most of us tend to snack on unhealthy food items while we work. Banning such snacks can go a long way in promoting good health. 

5. Hold a blood donation drive or a health checkup drive or maybe ask your employees if they wish to sign up for organ donation. This can be a great World Health Day activity. 


6. Mental health is a much-ignored topic, especially in the workplace. Normalise a conversation around mental health by organising a seminar with an expert. You can also call in a psychiatrist to hold individual stress management sessions with everyone. Workplace wellbeing and mental health can go a long way in making the office a safe space for anyone and everyone with mental health problems. 

World Water Day Quotes: Water is an essential part of our lives and our bodies. And the day we run out of this precious natural resource, we’ll cease to exist as well. This is why back in 1993, the United Nations decided to celebrate World Water Day every year on March 22 to draw attention to the importance of water. So, here are some quotes and slogans you can share with people to raise awareness. 

World Health Day Quotes: World Health Day is all about drawing attention to global health-related issues. It is celebrated on April 7 annually and marks the founding day of the World Health Organisation. With 2022 World Health Day’s theme being ‘building a fairer, healthier world, it’s time we highlight the importance of healthcare services in an unequal, unfair world.

Holi Wishes And Quotes: The most beautiful and colourful festival is just around and corner and we’re already stocking up on colours and pichkaris. Spread some warmth and love on this festival of colours by sharing a message with all our loved ones. 


Easter Wishes And Messages: Easter 2022 is almost here and amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to celebrate it with loads of restrictions. But that doesn’t mean that we have to skip this holiday. We may not be able to spread love, happiness and positivity on this day among all our friends and family physically but we can always do it virtually. So, if you’re looking for an Easter message to wish your loved ones, fret no ‘coz we’ve got you covered. 

Remember that inequality in access to healthcare services across the globe is a serious problem but it is preventable. Also, while you enjoy World Health Day activities 2022, don’t forget to follow COVID safety norms because we may have the vaccine but the pandemic is far from over.

Feature Image: Freepik

12 Mar 2021

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