
THIS Is What’s Causing Acne On Your Forehead (You CAN Fix It!)

Sharon Alphonso  |  May 5, 2016
THIS Is What’s Causing Acne On Your Forehead (You CAN Fix It!)

Are zits popping up on your forehead every few days? If yes, it’s our duty to tell you that you might be partly responsible for it! It’s true. Certain products and lifestyle choices constantly affect your skin, and this is what’s making the skin on your forehead break out. Here are 7 things you probably didn’t know which are causing forehead acne – and what you can do about it.

1. You Have Dandruff

Did you know that dandruff is one the main reasons why you have those zits on your forehead? When your scalp sheds those flakes, they land on your forehead first. And the tiny dead-skin particles end up blocking your pores and clogging them.

What you should do: Wash your hair at least twice a week with a good anti-dandruff shampoo.

2. Over-Exfoliating

Skin exfoliation is a fabulous way to get rid of dead skin cells and restoring your face to its natural glow. But not when you do it on every day! By overdoing it, you not only damage your skin by making it rough and dry, you also risk acne since your oil-producing (sebaceous) glands are sent into overdrive.

What you should do: Exfoliate your face only once or twice a week.

3. An Oily Scalp

If your scalp is oily, it’s inevitable for the skin around your hairline to be quite oily too, leading to your pores being clogged and acne being triggered.

What you should do: Wash your hair every alternate day with a mild hair cleanser (meant for oily hair) to prevent buildup of oil and greasiness.

4. The Wrong Cosmetics For Your Skin

If your skin is prone to acne, it’s actually best to keep cosmetics away altogether. But no, obviously we’re not saying that you should never apply makeup ever. Make sure you’re using the right base makeup – cream-based foundations tend to be heavier on the skin than water-based or powder-based ones; so if you have oily skin, or normal skin prone to acne, switch to the water-based ones immediately. (Loose particles from powder-based products could also block your pores.) And don’t share makeup or brushes with people – basic hygiene, ladies.

What you should do: Figure out the most gentle cosmetics for your skin, and stick to them. And ALWAYS remove your makeup (followed by the cleanse-tone-moisturize routine) before heading to bed for the night.

5. Eating Junk

A weak immune system is one of the causes of acne. And if your diet comprises fried and greasy food, expect the consequences to show up on your forehead too. But it’s never too late to change those unhealthy habits.

What you should do: Add more veggies and fruits to your plate, drink lots of water and cut down on excess salt, oil and sugar.

6. Using Certain Hair Products

Hair products are all too often loaded with comedogenic substances. Serum, hair creams, hairsprays, if they come into contact with your skin, could block pores and trigger acne. Try to avoid using these products as much as possible, not just for the sake of your skin but also the health of your hair.

What you should do: Wash your hair frequently, and with plain water in between shampoos. And keep your hair away from your forehead as much as possible if you’re using styling products.

7. Wear Scarves And Caps

Do you like wearing caps and scarves regularly? If yes, we hope you wash them as frequently as you use them! Since they absorb sweat from your scalp and neck, they tend to become breeding ground for bacteria. Which, in turn, aggravates acne when these accessories are back on your head again.

What you should do: WASH! Diligently. And if necessary add a drop or two of Dettol to the water and soak your caps and scarves for 10-15 minutes before you wash them.

Image: Shutterstock

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