
10 Things A Man Does Only When He’s Not Serious About You!

Srishti Gupta  |  Aug 24, 2017
10 Things A Man Does Only When He’s Not Serious About You!

When you’re in a relationship, a part of you wonders if you’re being taken for a ride. If you want commitment and you’re not sure if the other person is ready, the situation gets tricky. Fret not, here are 10 things men only do if they do not wish to commit and aren’t in it for the long haul. Take note, ladies!

1. He keeps his world separate

If he doesn’t make an effort to introduce you to his family and friends, chances are he’s not serious about you. If a man is committed to you, he’ll make an effort to include you in his sphere and introduce you to people he’s close to. This is because he wants you, his possible future partner, to get along with other people who are important to him.

2. Avoids all conversations about the future

Another tell-tale is if he’s not comfortable talking about your future together. If he’s uncomfortable when you initiate a conversation about it and completely dismisses the topic, take that as his refusal to commit.  

3. Keeps the relationship under wraps

There are high chances that your relationship is temporary in his mind if he goes an extra mile to keep it private. If he’s not mentioned you to his friends or doesn’t like to be seen with you, know that he might be stringing you along. Also, if he repeatedly asks you not to mention your relationship to your friends, that’s a red flag too!

4. Treats your concerns as immaterial

A man who is in the relationship for the long haul, will never disregard your concerns about you two. He will address it and show you that he cares and that you matter. If he brushes off your concerns, instead of working through the issue with you, he’s not serious about you!

5. You aren’t high on the priority list

In the end, it’s all about priorities. If he’s very rigid about his schedule and doesn’t make time to see or talk to you, you should consider that as a serious issue. When a man is in love with you, he’ll give you time, even if he’s swamped with work. In a serious relationship, you should feel like a priority and not a convenient option.

6. He’s not interested in what you have to say

If you’re telling him about your life and you can see his disinterest or you know that he’s zoned out, it’s not the most reassuring feeling. It also is a huge sign of indifference if this is a regular occurrence.

7. He doesn’t include you in his decisions

As his girlfriend, you get to be a part of the big decisions of his life because they will affect you as well. If he doesn’t involve you in his life decisions and instead only thinks about himself, take that as a warning sign that he’s just not that into you.

8. There is no emotional intimacy

In a relationship, the most important thing is intimacy, both emotional and physical. If there is physical intimacy but the two of you lack an emotional connection, the relationship is not for keeps.

9. He never ever gets jealous

A guy who is afraid of losing you will get a little jealous, from time to time. The fear of being without you will keep him on his toes.

10. You constantly feel insecure

It may seem like this has nothing to do with him, but it really does! The one thing that your partner is supposed to do is make you feel loved and wanted. If he makes you feel insecure or like the relationship is not going anywhere, you need to take that feeling seriously. Trust your gut and do not shrug it off as irrelevant or irrational. It wouldn’t help your situation.

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