
Dark Circles No More: Here’s How You Can Reduce Your Dark Circles At Home

Rimsha Sheikh  |  Jan 19, 2022
Dark Circles No More: Here’s How You Can Reduce Your Dark Circles At Home

We can all agree that dark circles are one common enemy that we keep losing the fight to ‘our dream skin’ against. Our under eyes are like that extra sensitive friend who will get upset the minute you’re too busy to reply to their text. But unlike that super sensitive friend who expresses their hurt in long messages and missed calls, dark circles rebel, and boy do they know how to! They rebel in bags – under our eyes, full of dark regret about that late-night Netflix binge, or an all-nighter you pulled. God forbid you forget to use your eye cream the night before – the horror!

6 Ways You Can Reduce The Appearance Of Dark Circles

Now that 2022 might be sifting us into yet another lockdown, why not show our dear dark circles some extra care? We are bringing to you a couple of tried, tested and loved DIY hacks to pamper your dark circles into their reduced appearance.

Vitamin E Oil


Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which helps fight free radical damage on the skin caused due to sun damage, environmental aggressors, or just aging. Condition the delicate skin under your eyes with vitamin E oil overnight for an extra dose of care.

Cold Compress

A cold compress can help in relaxing over-exerted under eyes. You can refrigerate your under-eye mask for this. Keep it in the fridge for a while, and then place it on your dark circles to cool your undereye area. You can also do the ‘Margot Robbie’ trick with cold spoons. Put 2 metals spoons in your fridge at night, and lightly massage your under eyes with them in the morning. For best results, perform cold compress twice, daily.

Cold Tea bags

If neither an undereye mask nor the spoon hack pleases you, go with green tea bags. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and can help reverse radical damage on the skin as well for faster recovery. Soak a green tea bag in clean water and put it in the fridge.



Raw potato is rich with vitamin C and helps promote collagen production. To use this quality of potatoes to reduce the appearance dark circles, use grated potatoes to extract potato juice, and soak thin cotton balls in it. Apply these potato juice soaked cotton balls under your eyes and keep them on for 10 minutes. Do this potato DIY 2-3 times a week for visible results.


Yeah, that cucumber slice on eye trick we see in movies actually works! Cucumber is a naturally cool vegetable which helps soothe and calm the sensitive skin under your eyes. It can help take away deep under eye bags and pigmentation caused due to over exertion.

Rose Water


Just like cucumber, rose water possesses mild astringent qualities that help intoning the skin. Soak a cotton pad or ball in rose water and keep it under your eyes for 10 minutes.

You wouldn’t like looking like a racoon with dark circles all around your eyes, right? Then find these simple kitchen ingredients around your house and get to these simple hacks to reduce your dark circles!

Featured Images: Pexels

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