
No More Double Chin: 3 Face Yoga Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk!

Sneha Kalra  |  Oct 20, 2023
No More Double Chin: 3 Face Yoga Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk!

You ever looked at your pictures and feel like you have a double chin, when in real you actually don’t? It’s actually the sagging skin that forms around your cheeks and jawline. This happens as you grow older since your skin isn’t as tight and since the production of collagen and elastin, both of which help keep the skin taut, is produced less.

The result? Saggy skin around your mouth and jaw areas. While there are no permanent solutions to this problem, skin can be made tight again with the help of surgical procedures. Another easier, natural, and affordable way to manage jowls and get your chiseled jawline back, is through face yoga.

Face Yoga For Jowls

Pro tip: Before massaging your face with any of these techniques, it’s important to begin with clean skin and hands. After washing your face and hands thoroughly, apply a few drops of a face oil or a face serum on your palms so your fingers slide on your skin. If your skin is coarse, massaging it can tear the skin, causing damage to it.

Face oil

Technique 1: Tapping

The simplest of them all and the easiest way to boost blood circulation, is by tapping the skin. Use your fingertips to tap your lower cheeks, chin and jaw areas. Do this for around 10 seconds to really wake your skin up.

Technique 2: Knuckle Massage

A simple way to really help firm the skin is by making fists in both your hands. Then, place your knuckles at the centre of your chin, at your jawbone and pull the skin gently upwards till you reach your ears. Do 10 rounds on either side of your face.

This can also be done with the help of your index and middle fingers. Make them in a ‘V’ shape and massage your jawline outwards, towards your ear.

This technique not only deeply massages the area but also helps release excess fluid from the body, which is another cause of sagging skin. It also helps sculpt the jawline, giving it a chiseled look and tones the jowls over time.

Face tapping

Technique 3: From ‘O’ To Smiling

This one doesn’t require too much hand involvement. All you need to do is make an ‘O’ shape with your mouth. Like when you yawn, except you need to wrap your lips around your teeth. Now, go from making the O to trying to smile with it. Smile as wide as possible and you’ll feel your muscles expanding and contracting. Repeat this around 10 times while looking up.

This method helps relieve any stress and tension in the area while also helping strengthen the muscles and tighten the skin.

Practicing these exercises for just ten minutes a day will make all the difference! And like everything else, you need to be consistent with these exercises also to make them work.

Featured Images: Instagram & Unsplash

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