
Exercises To Tone Your Back So You Can Flaunt That Backless Choli Confidently!

Neha Kapoor  |  Apr 16, 2020
Exercises To Tone Your Back So You Can Flaunt That Backless Choli Confidently!

It’s impossible to escape the memes on social media about putting on weight during the coronavirus lockdown. Quarantine cravings are real, guys! Everyone’s turned into a chef and hourly trips to the kitchen are what keeps us busy! While it’s totally fine to indulge yourself, working out is also essential. We’ll be plunging into peak summer as soon as the lockdown is over and this is the best time to tone that body. And let’s not forget, the shaadi season too will be upon us! So if your bestie is getting married and if you’re looking for workout videos that focus on your back, then we’ve compiled the most effective ones for you!

While we strongly believe that you can wear that ever the hell you want, no matter what size or shape you are… But if you do feel that you’ll be more confident in a backless choli minus the love handles, then read ahead. 

7 Exercises To Give You A Sexy, Toned Back!

One of the best ways to stay healthy and positive is to make exercise a part of your lifestyle. So, try these simple exercises and don’t do it for the ‘Gram, do it for your body. 

1. Push-Ups

Pop Sugar

We all know that push-ups are primarily for toning your arms, but interestingly, push-ups also help in reducing back fat.

Also read: Want To Get Rid Of Your Love Handles? These 10 Tips Are All You Need!

How to do it: Place your hands on the floor in line with your chest and put your feet together and be in the plank position. Push up till your hands are absolutely straight and return to the starting position. Set your timer for one minute and do as many as you can. You can even start with 3 sets of 10 push-ups each. 

2. Superwoman

Pop Sugar

To get rid of your love handles, try the superwoman pose. Back-fat is a common trouble-spot and this exercise not only helps in fat loss, but it also strengthens your back. 

How to do it: Lie down on your stomach with your legs and arms extended. Now, lift your arms and legs off the ground and hold for three counts and then return to the starting position. Do at least 3 sets of 10 reps. 

3. Side Plank

Pop Sugar

If you thought that plank was only working your core, think again! The plank can be a great exercise to target your back, especially a side plank. For an added challenge, you can begin with a forearm plank and then slowly move to side plank.

How to do it: Start on your side with your feet together. Place your right hand on the floor and rise up onto toes. Now, raise your left arm to the side and hold for three counts. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

4. Kneeling Reverse Fly


For a toned and sexy back, try this exercise to strengthen your rear shoulder and upper back muscles. 

How to do it: For this exercise, you’ll need a dumbbell (or a heavy book, if you don’t have a dumbbell at home). Sit on the floor with your knees bent while making sure that your knees and shoulders are in alignment. Take the support of one of your hands and stretch out the other and hold the position. Continue to do it for 15 counts and keep switching your hands. 

5. Split-Stance Extension


This is a dynamic exercise that not only increases your strength, but it also works your core and lower body. 

How to do it: Bend your hands behind your neck and stand straight. Now, slowly bend your head forward and one of your legs backwards simultaneously. Come back to the original position and repeat the process with the other leg. 

6. Opposite Arm And Leg Balance


Even though this exercise isn’t an easy one, especially for those who are not used to working out, it does wonders to your back. This one will tighten your abs, strengthen your back and improve your balance. 

How to do it: Lie down on the floor with your knees and hands on the floor. Now make sure that knees are right-angled to the floor. Then slowly raise your right arm and left leg. Hold the position for at least 5-10 seconds and repeat it with the other leg and arm. 

7. Band Pull-Aparts

Pop Sugar

This exercise targets your shoulder and upper back muscles. All you need is a resistance band and you can get started!  

How to do it: Stand with your feet hip wide apart. Now take the resistance band in each of your arms at shoulder height. Be sure to relax your shoulders before you start. 

So, get set go girls!

Featured Image: Hitched & Clicked


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