
Is It Normal To Have Hair On Boobs? How To Get Rid Of It?

Sharon Alphonso  |  May 5, 2016
how to remove hair from breast

You may have noticed it, but felt too embarrassed to talk about it. But you’re not alone. Many women face it, but don’t know how to address this situation – of having hair on breast ! Fear not, ladies, for we can assure you that having breast hair is completely natural and normal. It usually starts at puberty for some, and for others, later on in life – based on hormonal fluctuations in the body. If it’s something that bothers you, and you want to do something about it, here are some ways to get rid of hair on boobs.

Ways To How to Get Rid Of Breast Hair 

There are many ways to get rid of hair on boobs. The most common method is to use scissors or razors. However, you can get rid of breast hair by some very effective home remedies. Read on to know the ways to get happy, non-hairy nipples.

1. Scissors To The Rescue

But not your regular scissors! A fine pair of nail scissors is what you need for removing boob hair. Start by placing the blade at the base of your hair to protect your skin from getting cut, and then snip as close to the base of the hair as you can. This method works for girls who have a few scattered strands around their nipples. Try not to do this when your skin is wet or sweaty as the hair sticks to the skin. Do it at a time a time when your skin is completely dry.

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2. Consider Going For Laser Hair Removal

If you want long-lasting results, getting a laser treatment done for removing breast hair can be your best bet. Before deciding, of course, make sure you consult with a cosmetic dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. They will give you a better insight about the treatment and examine your skin to see how sensitive it is. This treatment involves highly concentrated laser rays that destroys the hair follicles and prevents further hair growth. Bear in mind that this treatment is expensive and depending on how much growth you have, you may be required to pay multiple visits to the surgeon to remove hair on breast.

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3. Put That Tweezer To Good Use

This method is perfect for women who have just a couple of strands on their breasts (usually around the nipples). Before you pluck the hair out, make sure that the hair is long enough that you can grip it without touching the tweezer to your skin. Now comes the important part: when using a tweezer, make sure that you hold the strand firmly and pull it out as quickly as possible. The faster you pluck, the lesser the pain you feel. Since the hair gets pulled out from with the root, it takes a longer time to grow back than if you were, say, using scissors to trim it.

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4. Invest In A Hair Removal Cream

There are many hair removal creams that are packed with chemicals that give your skin a nasty rash. Get one that specializes in tackling hair around sensitive areas. Sure, it’s slightly expensive, but it’s definitely worth a shot for removing breast hair! Just apply it on your dry skin and leave it there for a good 5 to 10 minutes. Take a tissue or a damp cloth and wipe the cream off – along with the hair. Just step into the shower to wash off after that, and you’re done.

5. Wax It Off

Waxing is a fast and an effective hair removal technique. BUT, when it comes to hair on boobs, you have to be super cautious. If done by the wrong person, it could be an extremely painful process. So opting for the parlour down the road from your house just because it’s close by is not the best idea. Speak to a waxing professional who specialises in sensitive areas such as the bikini region – they’re way more likely to get you through the process without causing (too much) pain.

6. Get That Razor Out

Do be VERY careful about this, but if shaving is what you’re comfortable with, that’s an option too to remove breast hair. However, make sure that instead of using a regular razor, you use a face razor. The blade of the face razor is lightweight and much easier on the skin. Pick a cream that contains no chemicals to save yourself from a rash or any infection. An aloe-based shaving gel will also serve the purpose. When shaving, glide the razor smoothly over the hair, in the direction of the hair growth. While shaving, keep your hand over your areola and nipple to avoid nicks and cuts as the area is extremely sensitive. You can even tape a small piece of cotton across your nipple in order to make sure the blade never touches it.

How To Remove Breast Hair Naturally?

Removing hair from breast at home is quite easy. There are many ingredients available in your kitchen that may be very useful in getting rid of the hair around your nipple area. Check out these easy ways and get done with the unwanted hair.

Turmeric and Gram Flour

Turmeric is one ingredient that can be trusted with whenever any skin treatment is talked about. The antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties of turmeric help in getting rid of many problems. Did you know, turmeric helps to curb the hair growth. To remove breast hair naturally using turmeric, add a tablespoon of turmeric and equal amount of gram flour. Add sesame oil to the mixture and form a thick paste. Rub this paste in circular motion and rinse the paste off with warm water. Do it once a week and see the results coming out effectively.

Lemon and Sugar

Instead of using paraffin wax, you can rely on sugar and lemon mixture. You can additionally go in to pour some honey as well. You will need a tablespoon full of sugar, lemon juice and honey each respectively. Pour the mixture in to the metal bowl and boil them in a double boiler. Cool it down and apply it to the hair on boobs. Now let it harden and rip it off in opposite direction of hair growth using a waxing strip or cloth.

Raw Papaya

The tropical fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals. The raw papaya is nourishing for skin and the best part is- it can be applied to the most sensitive parts of human body. Apply the raw papaya pulp and turmeric root paste on the breast hair. Gently massage for 20 minutes, repeat the remedy twice a week for effective results.

Cornstarch and Egg

Eggs make a perfect mask when they start drying up, cornstarch when added to it, makes it even more thicker to form a good thick paste. This home remedy to get rid of the hair on boobs is quite easy. All you need is an egg, ½ tablespoon of cornstarch and a tablespoon of sugar. Mix and form a thick paste and apply it on the nipple hair. Let dry for 25 minutes and peel it off.

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