
16 Simple Yet Life-Changing Tips To Glowing Skin

Priyanka Ghura  |  May 6, 2016

Most women continuously yearn for and strive for a gorgeous, radiant complexion. Clear, gleaming skin is what beauty fantasies are made of and the reason why we girls love our makeup so much. Well, we take you a few steps closer to that dream with a few simple tips for a healthy face. Follow these religiously for a fresh, enviable complexion.

1. You already know the importance of drinking water and staying hydrated. But how many glasses do you need to drink? 6-8 litres a day is essential if you really want that skin you’ve always wanted; it helps flush out impurities, and cleanses your system which reflects on your skin.

Also Read 11 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Water

2.  Moisturize, moisturize and moisturize some more. Dry skin is never a good look and will only age you. Make sure to keep your skin hydrated always and moisturize in the day and the night.

3. We don’t need to tell you twice about the harmful effects of the sun. Apply that SPF like your life depends on it. Trust us, you’ll thank us when you’re older. Don’t even dream of stepping out without generously applying sunscreen to prevent your skin from getting dull.

4. It’s called beauty sleep for a reason, so sleep tight. Getting enough shut-eye is the best thing you can do for your health and is essential for glowing skin.

5. Boost circulation by splashing your face with cold water every single morning to help exude radiance.

6. Don’t ever use a rough towel to dry your face. Handle your skin with care. A soft, microfiber towel or even a tissue will be way more delicate on your face.

7. Don’t smoke. Not only will it have devastating effects on your health, but it also causes your skin to dull and age faster. Kick the butt before it dulls your shine.

8. Coconut water, fresh juices, green tea and lemon juices boost a clear, glowing skin as well as keeping you hydrated.

9. A mild cleanser is what you should be using on your face. You can’t go wrong with Cetaphil.

10. Lemons should play a huge part in your daily diet as they’re a great source of Vitamin C and help your body flush out the toxins. Nimbu paani and salads with a dash of lemon juice are easy ways to include them in your diet.

11. Exfoliate your skin every week to get rid of dead skin. One amazing DIY exfoliator is to mix half a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of honey with a dash of lemon juice squeezed in it.

12. Fresh avocados in salads, snacking on watermelons and strawberries and munching on nuts – especially almonds and walnuts – are all habits that will result in healthier, bright skin. Tomatoes, oranges, salmon and pomegranate are also amazing for good skin.

13. A good night cream like Za Total Hydration Night Cream White is perfect for waking up to dewy skin and for that extra dose of hydration.

14. For instantly brighter, glowing skin use a DIY face mask consisting of a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of milk. You can also add mashed papaya to the mix for an even more magical effect.

15. Over-the-counter Retinoid creams and ointments like Retin-A help clear acne, unclog pores, boost collagen for a youthful glow and also reduce fine lines. Make sure to always follow it up with a moisturizer as they can dry out your skin.

16. Exercising not only keeps you fit but also benefits your skin. Sweating it out increases blood flow, revs up the production of collagen, deters sagging and boosts radiant skin.

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