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10 Surprising Reasons You Might Be Falling For Him!

10 Surprising Reasons You Might Be Falling For Him!

They say “our hearts are wild creatures – no wonder our ribs are cages”. We can’t always predict who we end up falling for and nor can we know exactly why we fall for them. But here we are, trying to play Miss Freud and look at some of the crazy reasons we fall in love!

1. Same vices

We girls have always been told that if we aren’t well behaved or “good girls” then we will end up being alone. So those of us who are rebellious by nature end up getting super attracted to progressive guys who have the same vices as us. The minute we feel that shared connection over an abnormally large glass of beer, we tend to start feeling that the boy could be a potential life partner. Well, cheers to that one!

2. Deep baritone voice

I mean, can you really blame us? The entire country still swoons over Mr Amitabh Bachchan’s voice, so why is it surprising that we get tickled pink when the unassuming guy next door talks in with his crazy, deep voice? For a change, we feel like we’d be happy to be the “listeners” in the relationship. Now, that’s a first! 😛

2 reasons we fall in love


3. Shared love for Bollywood

If he can quote movies word for word just like you can – there’s a chance you’re secretly crushing on him already! There’s just something so attractive about a shared silly yet guilty pleasure. You can already imagine being cuddled up on a Sunday watching Andaz Apna Apna and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, back to back and just having the time of your lives – in the cutest, dorkiest way possible!

Also read: Are You Really In *Love* With Him? 7 Ways To Figure It Out!

4. Unkempt Look

Most girls like their guys to be well turned out. That is to wear nice clothes, be clean shaven and even be smelling great. But there’s a chance you are attracted to just the opposite qualities. Some guys couldn’t be bothered to shave – oh hello, you rugged handsome man! And some don’t even care which T-shirt they have on. It probably doesn’t matter since they only own blue, black and grey tees that are nearly identical. But the fact that he really couldn’t care less about his looks and seems so confident about it could very much be the reason you’re falling head  over heels!

4 reasons we fall in love


5. Huge Friends Circle

You may just be falling for the most sociable guy of the lot. The logic is really simple: if he has so many friends who like him, there must be a lot to like in him. It’s like watching him get a stamp of approval from a whole lot of people that makes you go like “Hmmmm. There’s something about this guy!”

6. His language skills

There’s definitely something about guys who can talk well, right? And bonus points for the ones who even type intelligently (it’s crazy how rare that species is). Girl, you might be one turned on Grammar Nazi if the boy you are coveting has English made of Shakespearean dreams! And let us just tell you – we totally approve.

6 reasons we fall in love

7. Same introverted traits

If you’re not sure whether you can actually qualify as an introvert but find yourself hating activities that are too ‘public’ then you are probably seeking the same from a partner. If he would rather meet you for a quiet restaurant date than a noisy, crowded club – then you could be finding yourself very interested in this fellow!


Also read: Why Do We Fall In Love? 13 Totally Unexpected Reasons!

8. The way he drives

If you’ve sat with him in the car and watched him drive – there’s a chance you’ve made certain observations about him. For instance, he really knows how to keep his calm. Or he has great taste in music. Or he has the funniest most adorable way of dealing with his road rage. Whatever it may be – if you find yourself super safe knowing he’s at the wheel you may just feel like being his co-passenger for life!

8 reasons we fall in love

9. His ability to talk to kids

If you have watched him play with the building bacchas or seen him babysit his niece or nephew, there’s a big, big chance your uterus is sending low key signals to your brain that this guy is daddy material. It doesn’t matter if you’re too young or if you’ve never even thought of being a mother. This is just your body and mind coming together to play cupid! Also, how can someone so much in touch with his innocent side ever mess with you or break your heart, right?!


10. His silence

Uff, that sounds too deep, philosophical and all. Well, we just mean that we are constantly surrounded by noise and by people who like to talk more than they like to listen. If he on the other hand, is a great listener then that makes him an exception. If you feel you can share a comfortable silence with this guy and don’t always have to entertain him or regale him with stories – well then, he’s silently making his way into your heart. 🙂

10 reasons we fall in love

GIFs: Tumblr, Giphy

23 Aug 2016

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