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10 Times It’s Okay To Be Just Young, Wild & Fearless!

10 Times It’s Okay To Be Just Young, Wild & Fearless!

There are several moments in life when you feel like doing something so badly… But you stop yourself. We are here to gently remind you, that sometimes, it’s okay to let go and be fearless!

1. Moving to a new city where you don’t know a single soul.

Take a leap of faith and discover new things about yourself, as you explore a new place and its people.

2. Doing something no one you know has ever done before.

Be the first filmmaker in your family. Be a pet groomer. Start a business from scratch. Build an app. Be a scuba-diving trainer. Work on the human genome model. We don’t mean to sound like a TV commercial, but whatever you want to do, just do it.

3. Trying different options.

If you don’t know what you want to do, don’t panic. That just means you are a lucky girl who can try different things.


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4. Taking a gap year to volunteer.

Spending a year helping those who need it might be the best educational experience before you finally enroll for your master’s degree.

Also read: 11 Things Confident Girls Say To Themselves Every Day!

5. Going for that vacation you can barely afford.

Experiencing a new place is more valuable than money. Don’t stress yourself out about your savings and book those tickets NOW!


6. Wearing whatever you want.

Don’t let worries about what others think govern your wardrobe choices. Giant hat in the middle of winter? Go for it. A full-length skirt fashioned into an off-shoulder dress? Why not!!

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7. Confessing your crush.

Youth is the time for unabashed, unapologetic embarrassments. Like someone? Tell him.

8. Taking emotional risks.

See something that makes you scared and worried? Know those worries will mean squat when you grow older and realise the infallibility of youth. Do things that are uncomfortable.


Also read: 10 Signs You’re A NO Bullsh*t Kinda Girl!

9. Befriending a stranger.

No, you shouldn’t disregard your safety. What we mean is strike up conversations with complete strangers and learn their life story. Leave them feeling like they made an instant best friend.

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10. Taking your time.

Being fearless also includes not being scared of time and its passing. If you don’t know what you want, it’s cool. Be wild and fearless instead.


GIFs: Tumblr

15 Jul 2016

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