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17 Hilarious Thoughts *Every* Girl Has At The Parlour!

17 Hilarious Thoughts *Every* Girl Has At The Parlour!

Beauty parlours are a funny place. Thanks to the parlour didis who don’t skip any opportunity to point out how dry/ oily/ rough our skin or hair has become! Going to the parlour is a struggle in itself, right? Check out these 17 hilarious thoughts every girl has at the parlour! Because you’re not the only one thinking them!

1. Parlour day! Time to just relax and get pampered!

1 thoughts every girl has at the parlour

2. Geez, why do they make me wait all the time?


3. Oh, I love that hair colour. Maybe I should colour my hair too.

3 thoughts every girl has at the parlour

4. Wait, my dark circles are that dark or is it this light?’

5. Damn, I wish they don’t find out I shaved last time!


5 thoughts every girl has at the parlour

6. Ouch! That hurts!!

7. Are they going to wax both my arms at the same time? No, why?!

7 thoughts every girl has at the parlour


8. She’s right! I should totally get a mani-pedi done right now!

9. Okay, lady, STOP making a fuss about how dry my skin has become!

9 thoughts every girl has at the parlour

10. Huh! Look at them trying to sell their products, I can totally see through it!


11. Oh! But this peach skin rejuvenator is exactly what I need!

11 thoughts every girl has at the parlour

12. Wait, it costs what?! My mom’s going to kill me!

13. Unless she never finds out…


13 thoughts every girl has at the parlour

14. I do have lots of split ends, maybe a haircut is a good idea.

15. There goes my entire salary, sigh.

15 thoughts every girl has at the parlour


16. I can’t wait to see my new look!!

17. Oh. My. God. I look like a chicken!

17 thoughts every girl has at the parlour

GIFs: Tumblr

22 Nov 2016

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