The new year is right around corner, ladies! While we don’t support making new year’s resolutions that we will never do anyway, we do believe that every new year, it’s time to let go of a few things in life. Yes, it’s time to move on from everything that’s keeping you back from being everything you can be. So here’s our list of 17 things every girl should move on from after the ball drops and 2017 starts!
1. That heartbreak
Yes, it happened. Somebody broke your heart and it was the most difficult thing you have ever done in your life. But, remember that heartbreak is a part and parcel of this life. It’s time to get it out of your system and move on.
2. The regrets
Every year we do some things and we don’t do some. The things that we don’t do end up being our regrets. It’s all the choices that we didn’t make and sometimes you just can’t help but wonder ‘what if…’ However, the point is it is a choice you didn’t make for a reason. Remember that reason, not the regret.
3. The belief that others have it better than you
If you feel that the grass is greener on the other side, then maybe it’s time to stop looking – to stop looking and start watering the grass beneath you. No one has it better or worse, we all face hardships and we get our share of happiness so don’t judge a book by its cover.
4. Those little grudges
It could be anything, that fight with your best friend or that argument you just can’t let go of. All the people in your life will have certain beliefs which will be different than yours and that will lead to arguments and fights. But there is no point holding grudges. The new year has begun, let it go, my friends.
5. The ‘I don’t know’ phase
Now we’re not saying sort everything out in your life immediately. But, it’s about time you move out of this confused phase and at least try to begin sorting the important things.
6. Waiting for things to happen
Let’s burst our bubbles, girls. Things won’t just happen magically. Unlike the fairy tales we’ve been told, everything in this world takes time and effort. So stop waiting and this new year, start working!
7. The toxic friendships
Not every friend is the forever kind. And if you have managed to figure out that some people in your life might actually be bringing you down then it’s time to let go. They are great…just not for you.
8. The ‘all or nothing’ mentality
You’re old enough to realise that life is, largely, a grey area. So there is no point fighting for all or for nothing. Instead, fight for happiness, peace and stability.
9. Waiting for others’ approval
You don’t need to get all your actions and words validated by the rest of the world. So it’s time you stop waiting for it. If approved by your heart and mind, your decision is good enough!
10. Those unreal expectations
Our worst enemy is not anyone but ourselves. Let go of the unreal expectations that bring you unhappiness. Keep expecting things from yourself but don’t let that consume your life. There is so much more to live for!
11. That lazy attitude
Nothing comes easy. You have to work hard for it. And, unfortunately, sleeping in your bed does not count as hard work. Doesn’t mean you quit resting altogether. Take time out, relax, sleep but remember to get back to the grind!
12. The need to please everybody
Yup, just stop. Focus on pleasing yourself instead! At the end of the day, you’re the only one who will always stay by your side!
13. Ideals that you no longer hold
You don’t believe in the things you once did. That’s okay. It’s okay to change. What’s not okay is to not admit that you have changed.
14. Feelings that take you nowhere
We feel a lot of things but sometimes, there are a few feelings that will never lead you anywhere. In fact, they’ll keep you stuck in a world where it is so important to move on! It could be anger, unhappiness, guilt, or anything else – let it go.
15. The idea of perfection
Most of us have believed in the whole concept of perfection since our childhood. We wanted to be perfect. Well, we were wrong. As young adults we realise that perfection might just be a myth. Aim for happiness, you can find it in the most imperfect things as well!
16. The disappointments
They are easy to come. Every human being faces disappointment on a regular basis. Whether it’s in themselves or by the people around them. But keep in mind, that disappointment is a phase that only you have the power to change!
17. Those excuses you give yourself
We’ve all done this. Can’t go to the gym because it’s too cold. Can’t do this because of that and can’t do that because of this. It’s time to stop making excuses. Cut them out of your life for a better lifestyle, the one that you actually want.