
THIS Is The Best Time To Workout And Here’s Why!

Arushi Sakhuja  |  Aug 16, 2017
THIS Is The Best Time To Workout And Here’s Why!

Have you ever experienced the dilemma of when is the best time for you to workout? Is a morning workout better than an evening one or vice versa? Well, here’s your answer… Working out in the mornings is a good option as it not only improves your fitness level but has other benefits as well!

1. Is A Mood Uplifter

Working out in the morning releases hormones in the body that makes you happier, in turn, lifting your mood. This also helps your to be more active and increases your productivity in ways that an evening workout can’t.

2. Helps You Sleep Better At Night

A morning workout means waking up earlier in the day making you more tired and ready for bed at a sooner hour. It is believed that people who work out in the mornings sleep better and get more sleep than those who work out in the evening.

3. Consistency In Your Workout

If your workout routine is irregular, you should try morning workouts to achieve a more consistent exercise habit. Unlike the evening, a plan to meet your friends for lunch or a movie, and delayed working hours won’t hamper your intentions to hit the gym.

4. Healthy Eating

When you work out first thing in the morning, you’re more likely to eat a good and healthy breakfast shaping your eating habits for the rest of the day. This will make you move away from the habit of splurging on those excess calories through the day knowing you’ll make up for it in your evening workout. Instead, you will be conscious of what you eat so that your effort doesn’t go to waste.

5. Burning More Calories

A morning workout means working out on an empty stomach. This helps you to burn more calories in the form of fat as your metabolic rate is at its peak.

Have you set your alarm for your morning workout yet? 

Images: Shutterstock

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