
Lip Blushing Is The Hottest Trend In Town RN & You’re Gonna Wanna Hop On

Rimsha Sheikh  |  Aug 3, 2021
Lip Blushing Is The Hottest Trend In Town RN & You’re Gonna Wanna Hop On

Calling out all the lipstick and lip gloss fanatics who wouldn’t dream of stepping out of the house without a hint of tint on their lips. Lip colour addict or not, we can all mutually agree that re-applying any lip product every hour is a pain. With evolving makeup techniques coming in, GenZ is the CEO of popularizing new fads that are lazy-girl lifesavers and ‘lip blushing’ is the newest makeup trend. You would not want to sleep on this one.

Even for a completely makeup-sans look, adding a hint of colour to your lips can make you look well-put-together. In this case, how do you feel about getting a lip colour tattooed on your lips? Okay, that seems harsh, considering we’re not really talking about the age-old permanent lip tattoos. Let’s discuss lip blushing, a new aesthetic procedure on the market.

What Is Lip Blushing?

Lip blushing is a cosmetic procedure that gives you semi-permanent lip makeup. Close to tattooing, but less permanent, lip blushing is a technique that can help you achieve naturally blush-toned lips, with fuller structure, and enhanced symmetry. Paying sole attention to the desired colour and shape, lip blushing gives your lips a youthful effect.

What To Expect?

Much like any other tottoo appointment, your lip blushing technichian will have you sitting in a chair, while a numbing cream works its magic. A mechanized, small needle will deposit pigment on your lips and build layers of colour. Apart from the gram-worthy lip look afterwards, one should also expect some pain (from needle piercing, ofc), mild swelling, and scabs like any other tattoo. You should be left with a diffused, subtle wash of lip colour that looks natural, yet gives your whole face a cute and fresh pick-me-up effect.

How Permanent Is It?

Lip blushing is a semi-permanent cosmetic aesthetic procedure. Depending on your lip exfoliation achedule, sun exposure, and after-care methods, one might need to get it re-done in a couple months to a year.

Is this aethetic procedure convincing enough to break your skin? If not, we suggest you stick with much more temporary fixes for your lip plumping desires:

So what is it going to be, girlie?

Featured images: Pexels

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