
8 Weird Things That Happen When You Don’t Wash Your Hair For 2 Days

Sharon Alphonso  |  Mar 20, 2018
8 Weird Things That Happen When You Don’t Wash Your Hair For 2 Days

Whether you wash your hair or not, both come with its own fair share of pros and cons. While skipping a hair wash in the morning buys you more time, it also makes your scalp oily, smelly and greasy. Well, of course, the results differ from person to person as each one’s hair texture is different from the other. However, a lot of weird things can happen to your hair if you don’t wash it for 2 days. Curious to know what the aftermath is? Read on to find out yourself!

1. You May Get A Visitor  

If your scalp is dry, give it 2 days for dandruff to show up. Dandruff flakes mixed with the hair’s natural oil and sweat can cause buildup. Sometimes, dandruff is also caused when product residue collects on the scalp and dries it out. A simple rinse with lukewarm water and mild conditioner should bring your hair’s natural bounce and lustre back.

2. The Frizz Dies Out

Did you know that not washing your hair for 2 whole days can cause your scalp to produce more oil? The moment that happens, your mane starts to look less frizzy. When washing your hair after the second day, skip the shampoo and only make use of a chemical-free conditioner. Don’t forget to towel dry your hair after. The conditioner helps keep your locks soft, hydrated and nourished. 

3. It Starts To Smell Funny

When hair is dirty, it attracts dust and scents. Unwashed hair can smell pungent when exposed to heat, smoke caused by cigarettes, cooking fumes and a foul odour after you’ve sweated it out at the gym. One way to tackle this situation is by using a hair perfume or a dry shampoo. These babies are bound to work magic on your hair.

4. Be Prepared For Hairfall

Ladies, before you jump to a conclusion, you’re not going to go bald. However, if you’ve experimented with various hair products, the residue of those products can create an unhealthy buildup on your scalp. When your scalp gets congested with an overuse of products, it starts losing its health and strength. This leads to loss of hair and shine over a period of time.

5. Itchy, Itchy, Itchy!

The dirtier your hair gets, the itchier your scalp becomes. Dust irritates the scalp and it takes time for the scalp to adapt and adjust to your hair’s new texture. If you can come to terms with this phenomenon, hold on for a day or two till you wash your hair the next time.

6. Your Hair Starts To Look Better

This sounds weird, but it’s true! Giving shampoo a miss actually makes your hair look better. You see, when hair is washed, it starts to look fluffy and feel silky. While that sounds brilliant, styling fluffy hair can be a task (and a waste of product too.) In a couple of days time, your unwashed hair will tame its frizz naturally and be a lot more manageable than what it used to be when it’s clean.

7. Did Your Hair Just Get Thinner?

For women who have naturally fine textured hair, you’ll start to notice that your hair gets strangely thinner if not washed. Hair starts to stick together because of sweat, oil and dust in between strands.  

8. Your Scalp May See Ingrowth Too 

We’re sorry to burst your bubble if you thought that you could experience ingrowths only on your underarm area and bikini line. They freakishly appear on your scalp as well! Due to the oil and leftover product stuck on the scalp, this creates a snowball effect of unfortunate events.

Hence, it’s important to look after your hair and cleanse it from time to time. All the best!

Images: Shutterstock, Instagram

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