
Time of Our Lives: The Best Things about Staying in a College Hostel!

POPxo Team  |  May 6, 2016

The years spent in college are the best years of our lives. Even better is the time if those three years are spent in hostel! From midnight Maggi feasts to sneaking boyfriends in, we bring you the 20 best things about staying in a girl’s hostel! 1. Away from Home, Finally 😀

You know that stereotype about girls leaving their home for a new one? Yes. That’s college hostels they’re talking about, not sasuraal. 😛

2. Bestie Brigade

When you live with friends, see them in the morning after saying goodnight at night – every day, for years– that’s when the chaff is separated from the wheat. Friendships that last through your time in hostel last through your life.

Also Read: Tips To Survive Hostel Life

3. Midnight Crawls

From sneaking a bottle of alcohol in to just slipping out for a party after fooling (or bribing) the warden – the best things when live in hostel seems to take place at night!

4. A Penny to Spare?

You might be getting some pocket money from your parents, or you might be earning some yourself. But if you’re living in a hostel, chances are you’re on a budget. And the lessons learnt during these years always come in handy. Like they say, “Aate daal ka bhaav pata chal jaata hai!”

5. Akeli Ladki!

If you had a protected childhood, a few years in hostel will make you truly independent – learn to do things by yourself, travel via public transport, manage your life without anyone’s help and, most importantly, learn a few cuss-words to use out in the big bad world! 😛

6. Edu-Caution!

Usually, this wouldn’t make any “Best Things in Life” list. But this is an exceptional case. Classes are one thing, but burning the midnight oil with your girlfriends is a truly communal and fun experience, shared over unlimited cups of coffee, sutta and Red Bull!

7. Snapshots in Sepia

You’ll have memories, stories and experiences that you’ll treasure for the rest of your life. Truly, the best days of your life will be the ones spent in a hostel. 🙂

8. Midnight Maggi!

Strolling down to the 24×7 college canteen and combatting hunger in the middle of the night with Maggi and chai truly defines hostel memories!

Image courtesy: karankitchen.blogspot 9. Guard Bhaiyya!

Returning to the college hostel post your curfew was totally cool because you spent so much time making friends with the guard. You even brought him back goodies from your trip home during the holidays!

10. Late Night Heart-to-Hearts

Raise your hand if you have stayed up all night, chatting with your roommates and slept the next morning during class!

11. Ghar ka Khaana!

You truly understand the value of home-cooked food when you are exposed to the horrid meals of your college hostel.

12. “Oh My God, Did I Just Use Your Toothbrush?!”

It was disgusting the first time it happened. But you got used to it. (Though your post-college self probably winces at least a little bit when you think back to it.)

13. The Sartorial Schedule

Wearing PJs to class but super-short and hot dresses every Friday night!

14. Doing the Don’t-dos

From smoking, drinking, narcotics, dating to experimenting sexually (*wink, wink*) – college hostels are havens for getting out of your comfort zones!

15. Spookathon

Scaring every new batch of girls with hostel ghost stories is almost a tradition, one that senior batches carry on year after year with a great degree of relish!

16. Forbidden Fruits

Hostelites are often seen walking around the hostel, their phones pasted to their ears, talking to their boyfriends. Hostelites are also seen sneaking their boyfriends into their rooms sometimes! 😛

17. Girl to Girl

Developing lifelong bonds with your girlfriends, where you share EVERYTHING with each other – we don’t think we can ever be as close friends with people as we can with a girl we’ve lived with through our entire college life!

18. Testing Times

Exam prep is always a communal affair with the entire hostel awake until the wee hours of the morning, bent over their study tables, mugging up as much as they can. Of course, there is always that one friend who spends her time making farras instead.

19. Cinema Paradiso!

Watching thousands of movies over the three or four years we spend together. Hard disks are exchanged while torrents download the latest flicks!

20. Assets on Display 😛

You become particularly okay with flaunting your undies openly on clotheslines. Also, you become really, really good at changing your clothes in front of a gang of girls without flashing your lady-bits at people!

GIFs courtesy: Giphy.comindipepper.comcollegecandyviralstories.in

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