
New Year Resolutions vs Real Life: 10 Things That Last *Longer*

Krithika Kumar  |  Dec 27, 2016
New Year Resolutions vs Real Life: 10 Things That Last *Longer*

So, 2017 is just around the corner and as much fun as 2016 has been, we can’t wait for the new year to start. While we would all like to welcome the new year with high hopes and strong resolutions, let’s face it ladies – sometimes sticking with these resolutions is a lot harder than it looks. Some may last us a few days, while others we abandon within the hour. Which is why we have come up with a list of 10 things that last much longer than our poor little resolutions do!


Also Read New Year Resolution Ideas 2019 For Couples

1. A Sooraj Barjatya Movie

If you have ever sat through a Sooraj Barjatya movie, then you know what lo(oooooo)ng really means! And while we could have gone with any movie, we decided to be kind to our resolutions by choosing a movie that lasted a good four hours! Which is a long, long time to stick to a resolution.

2. Our afternoon nap

You know those short ‘little’ naps you take in the afternoon that make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Well, some of these naps have definitely outlasted the promises we have made to ourselves.

3.  A painful waxing session

1…2…3… Pull *ouch*! Waxing sessions are crazy painful and feel like they last forever – like a resolution that we find especially troublesome to stick to. P.S. We suggest you forget about waxing and switch to shaving with Gillette Venus instead – it’s pain-free, gives you instantly smooth skin and it’s a resolution you wouldn’t mind sticking to!

4. Getting money out from an ATM

With demonetization kicking in, it has been a hard few months for everyone. Getting money now means spending an extraordinary amount of time standing outside a functional ATM (which is a rarity in itself!). But what’s truly sad is that sometimes these queues last longer than our resolutions do!

5. The life span of a pimple

Pimples, the bane of our existence. From the tiny little bump that it starts out as, to the mark it leaves behind as a reminder of its evil existence. The entire episode can last a few days (minimum). Which is probably the longest we have stuck to a resolution (maximum). Ah, well C’est la vie!

6. The flavour of our favourite gum

We all love to chew gum because the moment we pop that little thing in our mouth, it’s like an explosion of flavour. But the feeling doesn’t last long, we all wish the taste of our favourite strawberry gum lasted a while longer but it quickly fades, and sadly our resolutions fade faster.

7. A traffic jam

Traffic jams are usually long. Never more than a few hours, but it feels like a lifetime. Which is pretty much what it feels like to hold on to a particularly difficult resolution. Like when we decide to cut down on carbs and the universe conspires against us by surrounding us with pizzas. At this point, our willpower doesn’t last as long as a traffic jam – not even a long red light.

8. Arguments with bae

It’s something we all do fairly often. But thankfully they don’t last long. You know what else doesn’t last too long? Yup, you guessed that right – our resolve to get up at six every morning and hit a yoga class.

9. Phone’s battery life

Not that it’s a bad thing, but there are actually cell phones with battery life that lasts much, much longer than some of our promises do. We may start out the day with a fully charged smartphone and the determination to go change the world. But come evening we have a partially dead phone and fully dead resolve to better ourselves.

10. A bad date

Time slows down when we are on a bad date. The clock just doesn’t seem to budge and the few hours that we spend with him seem to drag on forever. But even this snail-paced date lasts longer than our poor resolutions!

GIFs: Giphy

*This is a sponsored post for Venus


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