
What Your Married Friends AREN’T Telling You About Marriage!

Smriti Notani  |  May 5, 2016

There comes a certain point in your life where your friend circle can actually be divided into the married ones and the unmarried ones! In your 20s, it is all too common to have a mix of committed and single friends. This phase of life brings with it a new perspective and a new way of thinking. It is often what helps you make up your own mind about the institution of marriage and whether you think it’s made for you or not! Well, we can’t exactly determine that for sure – but what we can help you out with is showing you that there are some truths (both good and bad) that your married friends are probably keeping from you! Read on, already.

1. It takes quite a bit of adjustment

This is true, and most times your married friends will not be spelling this out for you. Whether you are dating before you get married or you’re getting to know the man you marry, moving in with someone and starting a new life takes a lot of adjustment. This doesn’t mean it’s all bad; it just means you can’t ignore this fact!

2.     People still have opinions on your life, even AFTER marriage!

A lot of single girls think that getting married means putting society to rest once and for all. This is far from the truth, darlings, because once you are married, people will want to know when you are starting a family, and why you are working and how much money you make. So, that part never really ends. Probably also why you should NEVER get married just for the purpose of shutting people up!

3. You don’t actually hate your mother-in-law!

It’s really crazy how we have advanced in so many ways, yet girls in our country can’t seem to get over this myth! Most of your married friends will vouch for the fact that they don’t necessarily hate their in-laws. (And no, this does not mean their in-laws have replaced their parents! Not a chance in hell.)

4. You are NOT having sex 24×7

You are having a LOT of sex, just not ALL the time. 😛

5. It’s like being on a constant sleepover

You know that heady rush and excitement you would feel back in school when ‘stayovers’ were new! Well, it’s a lot like that at first, till you actually get used to the fact that you now have a roomie for life! Till then, pyjama party!!!

6. You do miss your old life sometimes

Yes, yes – this is totally natural! You lived as a pampered daughter in your home for so many years and you are bound to miss that! Saying it out loud makes you sound ungrateful about your new life and your new role – but that’s not the case. You can love your life now, but it’s absolutely normal to miss the good old days!

7. You do find other people attractive at times

What? You are married – not dead! Of course, you are allowed to find other people attractive. The only difference is that you won’t act on it!

8. It’s awesome to go through life with company!

From travelling to exotic destinations to having company at that boring family function – having a better-half can be a blessing! You never even have to look for company to watch a movie – now, that’s an advantage no one ever talks about!

9. You miss your girls, a LOT!

The one significant change that marriage brings with it is lesser girly time! And that too, we are sure, your married friends are constantly trying to pencil in. In fact, your married girls may not say it enough, but they love and miss those girly talks and rants, and wouldn’t exchange them for anything in the world!

10.  Married people fight too!

Don’t best friends fight? Don’t family members fight? Why should married people be any different?! Of course, they fight! It’s normal and happens to every couple. About time the world accepts it and moves on without creating a big deal every time they hear of such a thing!

11.  Marriage puts your management skills to test

No matter what or how your life was before, marriage brings with it a whole new dimension. Being a girl who is married means having to balance out many worlds and many roles, which unfortunately we don’t always find time for! That’s where your time management skills come into play – to balance your old family and new family, work and play, your girls and your husband – you need to be a pro at time management!

12. And finally, marriage grows on you!

While initially it may seem odd, awkward or even overwhelming – it’s something that grows on you! The problem we face in our country is – people start expecting you to be a whole different person once you are married. That is quite unrealistic. But once you stop bothering about what people are saying and thinking, and you focus on the new journey you and your life partner have embarked upon, life and marriage actually seem like a lot more fun and fulfilling!

Images: TeenTumblr

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