
The World’s Most Expensive Spice, Saffron Is Also Superb For Your Skin

Eden Noronha  |  Apr 28, 2022
The World’s Most Expensive Spice, Saffron Is Also Superb For Your Skin

Acclaimed to be red gold, saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world and for good reason. Extracted from the saffron crocus flower, these stigmas threads hold a special place in ayurvedic medicine and are today a popular ingredient in the beauty industry as well. Why? Not only does saffron have medicinal uses but it also has properties that your skin will benefit from no matter your skin type is. This is why this spice is coveted by skincare aficionados across the globe. Popularly known as kesar in India, we are no strangers to this luxury condiment and yet this herb never fails to entrance us with its magic. Here’s why this ancient ayurvedic ingredient is taking the skincare industry by storm and why it deserves a place in your skincare arsenal.

What Is Saffron In Ayurveda?


This luxury herb has been used in the practice of ayurvedic medicine for centuries. In Ayurveda, it is called kesar and it is used to treat various skin ailments such as acne, rashes, wound healing, blackheads and other skin diseases. It is touted to boost skin’s radiance and heal skin from within so that it appears clear and healthy. Popularly used as the main ingredient in a herbal blend called Kumkumadi tailam, it serves as an antiseptic nourishing facial oil to banish skin trouble like acne and pigmentation. Saffron is also used in haldi rituals for the bride before the marriage ceremony as it helps boost radiance and maintain clear skin.

The Benefits Of Saffron For Skin


Antioxidant Agent

This rare ayurvedic spice works as an antioxidant when incorporated into skincare. This means it provides antioxidant benefits like protecting the skin from environmental damage and free radicals. It is rich in vitamin C which aids in healing sun damage and preventing signs of premature ageing.

Radiance Booster

It has skin brightening properties that work to bring out your skin’s natural radiance without being too harsh. It treats skin concerns like dark spots and hyperpigmentation so that your skin is more even-toned and clear.

Wound Healer

Kesar is known to have amazing wound healing abilities due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties and its ability to increase cell turnover. This helps with scarring left behind by breakouts as it disinfects and heals the affected area 

Sensitive Sanctum

This herb is a boon for sensitive skin. While there are a select few ingredients and formulations that suit this problematic skin type, saffron is definitely one of them and ayurvedic formulas containing it are also superb for this skin type. Kesar has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe sensitivity like itchiness, redness, acne, and inflammation.

Mature Decision

Let’s not forget that saffron is also one of the most incredible ingredients for mature skin. It has anti ageing benefits that can treat everything from fine lines and wrinkles to dark spots and dull and dry skin. 

How To Incorporate Saffron In Your Skincare Routine?

While there are many DIYs that you can opt for using saffron, it is much easier to opt for smart skin care products containing this precious herb. You can choose a skincare oil like kumkumadi face oil or a kumkumadi face cream as they incorporate the science of Ayurveda to heal and rejuvenate your skin without you having to go through the hassle of mixing natural ingredients together. If using kumkumadi oil, you can apply it after your moisturising step in a CTM routine and then perform a face massage with your fingers or a face tool.

If you’re looking to treat your skin to a holistic healing and rejuvenating experience, consider indulging in the benefits of saffron. This herb is truly a game-changer.

Featured Images: Pexels

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