
10 Little Things You Do That Your Husband *Secretly* Finds Adorable!

Anannya Chatterjee  |  Feb 9, 2018
10 Little Things You Do That Your Husband *Secretly* Finds Adorable!

Husbands are a difficult breed. And as a wife, it can sometimes be a bit challenging to understand them. They are not as flamboyant as your BFF and rarely make a huge show of love. But there still are some cute little things that you do that he secretly adores. It could be the way you smile or that silly expression you have while watching a thriller. Here are a few things that husbands, for some inexplicable reason, find adorably cute.

1. When you hug him in the morning

He might not ask for this daily, but he loves it when you hug him anyway. Yes, a warm hug right before you guys leave for work will ensure that you have a good day ahead.

2.  When you surprise his inbox with a ‘Miss You’ message

When you both are caught up with work, a sweet little, “I miss you” message will bring a big smile to his face. He might not say this to you, but he loves receiving them.

3. When you plan a surprise for him

It could be a PS3 game night or just a surprise shower together. He adores it.

4. When you bake for him

This might sound very cliché, but he finds it extremely cute even if you attempt to bake for him. Plus, you could always get his favourite dessert, if yours doesn’t turn out as planned.

5. When you act silly

He loves it when you make funny expressions and call him with cute names even while he is mad at you. Because he knows he’ll break into a laugh after.

6. When you wear his shirt

There is something about women in oversized men’s shirt that make them look oh-so-sexy! Need we say more?

7.  When you offer him a cold beer after a long day at work

You got to see his expression when you hand over a chilled can of beer when he returns home after a tiring day. Nothing beats that joy, we bet!

8. When you mumble in your sleep

No, they don’t always get irritated but secretly adore it when you mumble at night.

9. When you get excited about his passion

It is very reassuring for a husband when his wife supports him at every point in his life. Believe us, it helps them grow and feel motivated.

10. When you play with your hair…

Whether you are twisting your hair randomly or gathering them to create a bun, only to open it five seconds later. He finds it too cute.

GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

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