
THIS Is How You Keep Your Makeup From Melting Off Your Face!

Priyanka Ghura  |  May 6, 2016

All your carefully applied makeup sliding off thanks to a sweat spell in burning temperatures, or when you’re caught in a sudden downpour, can top your list of most-embarrassing moments ever! Even worse, if you run into your crush looking straight out of a horror film with streaky foundation and black raccoon eyes thanks to runny mascara and eyeliner. Fortunately, there are a few foolproof ways of saving you from that nightmare. With these simple steps to keep your makeup from melting off your face, we help you look fabulous through humidity, rain or shine.

1. Prime Time

It may seem like an extra step, but it’s one that is totally worth it! A good primer will help the rest of your makeup last long and keep it all in place even in extreme weather conditions. Why do you think all the pros always use one? Just make sure to pick a lightweight, oil-free formula.

2. Keep It Simple

Layers of foundation are never a good idea, especially in the blistering heat. Instead of caking it on, try a light-textured BB cream over the foundation for great coverage. We like Pond’s BB Cream for covering up those blemishes with a natural-looking finish, keeping your skin hydrated and providing SPF protection from the scorching sun. Less is always more, remember?

3. Pull Your Hair Back

Your locks sticking to the back of your neck when you’re out and about is only going to make you feel hotter and add to the sweat and oil around your face. Try a sleek ponytail, cute braid or chic chignon to fight boring hair and to help you stay cool.

4. Pick Your Products Right

It’s important to put in a bit of thought in the type of cosmetics you use, rather than just going by the shade and the brand. Remember to stick to oil-free products as much as you can. Silicon-based formulas are a great idea, as they’ll keep your skin matte and won’t melt off in heat and humidity. Also, cream blushes, eyeshadows and lipsticks are much better than powder-based ones when it comes to staying on longer, minus that cakey effect. You can also try lip and cheek stains as they’re super light and natural looking. And don’t forget to invest in waterproof mascaras and eyeliners of course.

5. Pack The Right Armour

Do yourself a favour and pack a few tools to help cool you down and save you from a beauty disaster. Blotting paper is amazing to help sap up extra sweat, oiliness and reduce shine. You can also carry a cooling facial mist for some instant refreshment and even a little fan to save you from melting into a puddle of sweat.

6. Ice It Up

A super simple trick that not many people know is to dab ice on your face before applying your makeup. It will help cool your skin, close your pores and lessen your chances of your makeup melting, kind of like a natural primer. Remember to blot your face dry before putting on your makeup.

*This is a sponsored post for Pond’s BB Cream.

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