
Newborn Care 101: Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of Your Little One In Their First Month

Sudeshna Chakravarti  |  Jul 18, 2022
Newborn Care 101: Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of Your Little One In Their First Month

Your due date is fast approaching and you cannot wait to finally hold your little one in your arms. For months, you’ve been anticipating this moment and imagine what your baby will look like, and who will they resemble more. But with the special day coming nearer, you may also have anxious thoughts and wonder if you are well-prepared to take care of your munchkin.

Well, this situation is common for all parents, especially for those who are taking on this role for the first time. While you will eventually learn to navigate your parenthood journey alone, what can help you better is being aware of the basics of newborn care, so that you can spend every moment worry-free after your munchkin’s arrival.

To make things easier for you, we have compiled useful tips on how to take care of your newborn baby that will help you ease into the parenting role without any moments of panic and self-doubt. 

Everything That You Need To Know About Newborn Care

These newborn care tips will help ensure your little one’s health and safety

Breastfeeding Basics

Breastfeeding is a natural process, but it may be difficult for some new mums. Keep the following strategies in mind to make nursing an easier task and ensure your little one gets adequate nourishment.

Nurse Your Baby Within An Hour Of Delivery

A study conducted by the National Library of Medicine revealed that breastfeeding tends to go particularly smoother for women who nurse within the first hour of their baby’s birth. It also helps provide your newborn colostrum—which contains essential immune-boosting nutrients that safeguards your baby’s health. Hence, try to breastfeed your little one within an hour of their birth, and if you have any trouble nursing, don’t be afraid to seek help from lactation consultants at the hospital.

Nurse Your Baby On Demand

It is essential to nurse your baby whenever they want, during the first six weeks of their life. Hence, during this time, avoid establishing a feeding schedule, as it may interfere your milk supply. Also, keep in mind that feeding your baby frequently won’t affect your milk supply, in fact, the more your baby nurses, the more milk you produce.

Ensure That Your Baby Latches Properly

Your little one needs to have a deep latch to ensure they are getting enough milk, and to prevent your nipples from getting sore. Before putting them on your breast, position your baby on their side, so that their belly is right up against yours. This will help your baby have a secure latch on your nipple and also drink an adequate amount of milk for their healthy development.

Keep A Breast Pump And Steriliser Handy

If you are unable to breastfeed your baby due to reasons, such as breast engorgement and soreness, you may use a breast pump to express milk at your own convenience, and feed your little one without having to scream in pain.

Also, keep a good-quality steriliser handy at home to keep your baby’s feeding bottles, pacifiers, and soothers clean and germ-free.

Newborn Care From Head To Toe

Since your baby’s skin and hair is super-delicate, you need to be extra careful while choosing baby skincare products

Your newborn’s skin and scalp will be still developing within the first year of their life. Hence, you need to be extra careful with the products you choose, to prevent any kind of irritation or infection.

Body And Face Care

Massaging your baby’s body is essential for the development of strong and healthy bones, and for keeping their skin hydrated. You may consider using a nourishing baby massage oil, made with 100% natural ingredients like moringa oil, almond oil, and avocado oil that moisturise your baby’s skin and protect it against environmental pollutants and irritants.

For cleansing your munchkin’s body, you may opt for a moisturising baby wash designed with plant-based ingredients like strawberry oil, pumpkin seed oil, and moringa seed oil that remove impurities from your baby’s skin and also treat skin concerns, such as dryness and irritation. 

Scalp Care

To keep your baby’s scalp dandruff-free and prevent conditions like cradle cap, you need to pay special attention to oiling. Give your baby an oil massage with organic coconut oil at least 2-3 times a day. This will promote healthy hair growth, boost blood circulation in the scalp, and also keep dandruff flakes away. 

You may also use a natural strengthening baby shampoo designed with organic ingredients like curry leaf oil and hibiscus oil to cleanse and moisturise your baby’s scalp and stimulate their hair follicles for healthy and strong hair growth. 

Diapering Needs

Keep your little one’s bottoms protected with a natural diaper rash cream and bamboo water wipes

Changing your baby’s diaper may seem daunting to you at first, but with the right diaper essentials, you will become a pro at it in no time.


A diaper is an obvious newborn care item that you will need a lot. Make sure you buy super-absorbent, comfortable, and chemical-free diapers for your baby. It is essential to ensure that the diapers are created with 100% natural ingredients to prevent any kind of irritation in your baby’s bottoms.

Diaper Rash Cream

Even if you try your best to keep your baby’s bottom dry and clean, diaper rashes are unavoidable. Hence, invest in a diaper rash cream formulated with zinc oxide and organic shea butter that creates a protective layer on your baby’s skin and keeps it moisturised to heal the rashes and prevent their formation in the future. 

Bamboo Water Wipes

Instead of using chemically-loaded wipes to clean your baby’s bottom, opt for non-toxic water wipes formulated with natural ingredients like aloe vera, vitamin E, and almond oil that soothe your baby’s skin and prevent dryness, irritation, or diaper rashes. 

Baby Medicinal Essentials

It is always a good idea to keep some medicinal essentials handy at your home to soothe any kind of discomfort in your baby.

Tummy Relief Roll-On

A tummy relief roll-on is especially useful for soothing your little one’s tummy troubles and treating concerns like gas, acid reflux, and even colic. Opt for a tummy relief roll-on with natural medicinal ingredients, such as nutmeg oil, ginger oil, and peppermint oil that relax your baby’s abdominal muscles and relieve discomfort in their stomach.

After Bite Roll-On

You should also keep an after-bite roll-on at your home to soothe and heal any insect or mosquito bites on your baby’s skin. Look for an after-bite roll-on with organic ingredients like lavender oil, chamomile oil, and calendula oil that fight against allergens and reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation in your little one’s skin. 

Vapour Patches

It is common for little ones to suffer from cold and nasal congestion as their immune system is still developing. To treat their discomfort, use natural vapour patches made with ingredients like eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil that decongest your child’s nasal pathway and fight against colds and infections. 

While you may still feel anxious about your parenting days ahead, keeping these newborn care tips in mind can help you a great deal and allow you to cherish your early days with your little one worry-free. Moreover, being well-versed with these tips can not only make your task a tad bit easier, but also ensure your little one’s health, safety, and wellness. 

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Feature Image: Kajal Aggarwal/Instagram

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