
Let’s Tidy Up: Declutter And Organise Your Makeup With These Super Helpful Tips

Anandita Malhotra  |  Dec 8, 2020
Let’s Tidy Up: Declutter And Organise Your Makeup With These Super Helpful Tips

I am definitely not the most organised person and so my makeup vanity and my room will always be littered with clothes that I’ve tried on and not put back in the cupboard, makeup that I’ve used and left lying around, and earrings that are strewn around. Hence, when I’m looking for something specific, I can never find it.

However, this weekend I forced myself to undergo a massive cleanup of my vanity and get things in order. I got myself organisers and sectioned out my drawers so that more things could be accommodated and even threw out products that were either too old or those that I would not use and you can do the same.

Here Is A Step By Step Guide On How To Really Declutter And Organise Your Makeup


Step One: Face The Fact That You Have Too Many Products

Honestly, if you’re buying one makeup palette after another, there does come a time when you have one too many gold eyeshadows. Or if you like buying lipsticks, after some time you realise that you have more red shades than you can ever use. Identify the problem, only then will you be able to tackle it head on.

Step Two: Mary Kondo Your Makeup And Get Rid Of Things

Take stock of your entire collection and then make a keep and throw pile. You’ll find mascaras that are way past their expiry date and serums that you should have thrown out long back. It will physically hurt when you have to throw out some of these luxury makeup items that you spent a lot of money on but it’s got to be done. Each product will have a time stamp mentioned on when they expire once opened and you’ve got to follow it for your skin’s optimum health.

Step Three: Downsize Your Collection


After throwing out all the expired products, it’s time to throw the products you’ll not really use. I suggest swatching each lipstick, eyeliner, and blush on your hand and seeing if you want to keep it or not. If there are products that you were bought of gifted and will never actually use, it’s better to give them to someone who will. Ask your family members or friends to have their pick so that you’re not really throwing it all out.

Step Four: Pick Out Your Organisers


If you’re planning on storing your makeup on the countertops, then you’ll have to find vertical organisers that can stack one on top of the other. If you’re keeping things in makeup drawers, make sure to measure your eyeshadow pallets to ensure that they fit. You can utilise trays with divided compartments for smaller eyeshadow quads, powders, blushes, and bronzers. For brushes, get pencil cups or containers where you can make them stand. 


Step Five: Use Transparent Organisers So That Everything Is Visible


Using transparent organisers helps you see everything from outside. You don’t have to rummage through your whole collection every time to see what is where- it saves up a whole lot of time and keeps things tidy.

Step Six: Have An Assigned Place For Each Category


Divide up your drawers, trays, and compartments for each type of product, this will make it easier to locate. Have one for foundations and base products and one for under eye creams etc. Keep the products you use on a daily basis like moisturiser, sunscreen, mascara etc towards the front of the drawer so that you won’t have to rummage through your entire collection every time you’ve to look for something. 

Step Seven: Maintain It All


Doing this once will take your entire day (at least a beauty hoarder like mine did) but you don’t want to go through this whole process again and again. So, keep it all as tidy as possible. Every few months, check your makeup and skincare items and throw out the ones that are expired or haven’t worked for your skin. And for God’s sake, don’t buy more than you can use.

Some Makeup Organisers To Buy



So, ready to get organised!?

Featured Image: Pexels

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