
How To Celebrate Valentine’s Day At Home!

Janvi Manchanda  |  Feb 1, 2022
how to celebrate Valentine's Day at home

Valentine’s Day is almost here and we can all just feel it in our bones! The love and mush in the air and the overwhelming red all around us, chocolates, gifts and heart-shaped balloons, it’s a beautiful feeling. If you’re planning something special for your partner to celebrate Valentine’s Day at home, we’re here to help. With the ongoing pandemic, we understand that for some, the only option is to celebrate Valentine’s Day at home. But that doesn’t mean it has to be any less special. We’ve listed down some awesome ways in which you can make the most of your day!

How To Celebrate Valentine’s Day At Home With Your Partner

You don’t always need a fancy restaurant or a getaway to celebrate love. Scroll ahead to see how you can make Valentine’s Day at home a memorable affair. 

1. Cook Them A Meal

There’s no better way to make your Valentine feel special on this day than by cooking a meal of their choice or baking them their favourite batch of cookies. Even if the food or the cookies don’t turn out well, your partner will surely remember the romantic gesture. But if you want to make your Valentine’s Day at home even more special, we suggest you both get into the kitchen for a helluva time together!

2. Games Night

Time to bring out all the board games and cards from the back of your cupboard. Order in and spend the night getting competitive as you sit across from each other. FYI, we all know of ways to spice up the game night! *wink wink*

3. Dance Lesson!

Dance is not just good for your fitness but also for your relationship. There’s nothing more romantic than that sensual dance with your partner. So, book an at-home salsa or tango class to celebrate Valentine’s Day at home. 

4. Hey, Bartender!

If you and your partner love cocktails, then this is the best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day at home! Take turns to make a fun cocktail for each other and indulge in some tipsy romance.

5. Spa Night

We’re all so busy with our lives that we forget how important self-care is. So, pamper each other by putting together an at-home spa. Light some candles, order some essential oils or make a relaxing bath if you have a tub at your place. Also, you never know what a massage sesh by your partner leads to! 

Memes About Valentine’s Day

How To Celebrate Valentine’s Day At Home With Your Loved Ones

Valentine’s Day should not be reserved just for your partner. It’s a day to celebrate with your family and friends as well. If you’re hoping to spend Valentine’s Day at home with your loved ones, here are some interesting ways to make it special. 

1. Get Artistic

There are not enough good Valentine’s Day decorations for home available in the market. But that shouldn’t stop you from adding some lovey-dovey elements to your home. Get hold of another family member or friend and get crafty. Add in tons of glitter, balloons and ribbons and you’re good to go! 

2. Date Night

Why should just couples have date nights? Plan a family or friends date for Valentine’s Day at home. Put together a fun meal or just order in. Light some candles, put on the music and enjoy a night of heartfelt conversations! 

3. Spread Love

Spending Valentine’s Day at home doesn’t mean that you can’t step out for a bit and make the day special for those around you. Use this opportunity to spread some love and kindness around you. Get together with your family and make food packets for those less fortunate. 

4. Games Night

Well, if you have a big family, nothing like a night of dumb charades, musical chairs or even antakshri! In fact, you can also set up a karaoke, tambola or poker night. And for all the nuclear families, we suggest you pull out the monopoly, uno and ludo. What fun! 

5. Jar Of Memories

Make your 2022 Valentine’s Day at home memorable by recalling all the fun moments and memories of your lives. Put them down on a paper and then let someone else from your family read it out. Do the same with the other members as well. We bet it’ll be a night to remember!

Things To Do At Home For Valentine’s Day If You’re Single

Many of us are single and we live miles away from our families but that doesn’t mean you don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. Here are some fab ideas to choose from! 

1. Singles Only House Party 


You’re not the only one who is single, so call upon all your single friends and celebrate Valentine’s Day at home. Celebrate your single status and rock the night!

2. Date Night 

There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable with yourself and enjoying your own company. Celebrate Valentine’s Day at home by ordering your favourite meal from your favourite restaurant and don’t forget to bring out that bottle of wine or champagne. Psst…do raise a toast to your singlehood. 

3. Sleep!


The best or rather the purest relationship we share is the one we have with our beds. So, instead of spending your energy on anything else, we’d recommend you shut the blinds and curl up in your bed to get some extra shut-eye this Valentine’s Day. We’d also recommend a social media detox along with this.

4. Virtual Comedy Show

Amid the pandemic, several comedians are hosting virtual comedy shows so we suggest you book your slot before it gets sold out. Or else, you can always stream a stand-up show on one of the OTT platforms or just watch it on YouTube. 

5. Pamper Yourself


You don’t need anybody else to pamper you. Indulge in some retail therapy online or soak yourself in a long relaxing bath. There’s so much you can do! 

More On Valentine’s Week

Rose Day Wishes: Valentine’s Week starts with Rose Day but getting your bae a single red rose or even a bouquet may not be enough. Add that dash of extra love with a heartfelt Rose Day quote or message. Here are some rose day wishes to share with the flowers you’re sending your partner. 

Teddy Day Wishes: Love is in the air and if you love Valentine’s Week celebrations, then we bet Teddy Day is your fave too! This year, make it extra special by sharing a personalised wish along with the teddy. Here are some Teddy Day messages to get you started.  

Hug Day Wishes 2022: When you run out of words to express your feelings, hugs can help you out. And we’ll be celebrating Hug Day on Feb 12th and this is the perfect opportunity to give your loved ones a jaadu ki jhappi. You can also send them some quotes or hug day messages if you can’t be physically present with them. 

Lipstick Shades For Valentine’s Date Night: Valentine’s date night is not like any other date. And a special occasion like this calls for special makeup! If you’re wondering which lipstick to pick, this guide right here is all you need. 

How To Make Valentine’s Week Special: 7 days of love call for 7 days of surprises. If you’ve not planned in advance, maybe it’s time to give this list a read. We’ve curated a list of ideas that you can use and make this week a memorable one.  

Valentine’s Day Quotes And Wishes: Words are not enough to express a feeling as beautiful as love but we’ve all tried our hands at it. Now that the big day is just around the corner, we know you’re prepping to speak your heart out. If you’re feeling jittery and confused, we’ve got some Valentine’s Day quotes and wishes that can help you send the message across without any trouble.

Valentine’s Day Games: If you’re looking to do something slightly different for your partner this year, we’ve a list Valentine’s Day games that you’ll love.

We know spending Valentine’s Day at home can be a bummer but only if you let it. Love should be celebrated every day in every place and TBH, it’s the gesture that matters, not the venue and not the amount of money you spend. Happy Valentine’s Day, guys! 

Featured Image: Freepik

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