
A Glimmer Of Hope: For The First Time, Census Will Collect Data On Transgender Households

Anandita Malhotra  |  Jan 17, 2020
A Glimmer Of Hope: For The First Time, Census Will Collect Data On Transgender Households

When we talk about inclusivity and diversity, do we really mean it? Do we really address the issue of caste, gender, heteronormativity on the ground level? The answer, unfortunately, is no. The scary and regressive transgender bill was passed in the country, which stripped transpeople of the basic right of self-identification and gave it in the hands of a district magistrate but we said nothing. This is not how the precedence about inclusivity we want to set as a country, do we?

However, in a glimmer of hope for India, a Home Ministry official confirmed that for the first time, the upcoming Census Data Collection will include data on households headed by a transgender and members living in the family. This census is said to include a set of 31 specific questions asked by the census official from every household during the house listing and the exercise will be is scheduled from April 1 to September 30.


Under the head ‘sex of the household head’, there will now also be options of male, female and transgender, the officials said which is win for the entire country. “It is for the first time that information on households headed by a transgender is being collected. In earlier census, there used to be a column for male and female-only,” said an official. 

It will also ask whether the head of the household belongs to a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or ‘Other’ category, which will help us gather data on where these maginalised classes and castes are on the socio-economic strata.

Questions will also be asked on what the source of lighting in the house is, if they have “access to latrine”, “type of latrine”, “waste water outlet”, “availability of bathing facility”, “availability of kitchen and LPG/PNG connection” and “main fuel used for cooking”. This time the census will also be moving to a mobile application from the traditional pen and paper.


Honestly, this is a big win for the country. We’re lauding the government for this!

Featured Image: Instagram, Unsplash

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