Friends and BFFs

Dear Bestie, This Friendship Day Here’s Why You Will Always Have My Back

Krithika Kumar  |  Aug 5, 2018
Dear Bestie, This Friendship Day Here’s Why You Will Always Have My Back

No one told you life was gonna be this way, but your friends will always be there for you. They are the reason you survive even if it’s not your day, your month or even your year. But how often have we thanked our friends for being there and most importantly for being themselves? So this Friendship Day, let’s say ‘Thanks Yaar’ to all the imperfectly perfect people in our lives who we choose to call our best friends for everything that they have done!

1. Because you’re my best teacher

For not just giving me life lessons, but also for teaching me the entire syllabus an hour before the exam. Well, I don’t think I couldn’t have passed those stressful papers without you!

2. For never judging me!

I know I have come to you with the same problem a million times and I make the same mistakes over and over again. But I wouldn’t have come this far in life without you being by my friend. Your friendship, patience and advice have got me through the toughest of times!

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3. For helping me with my attendance

My Mom better not be reading this, but thank you for marking me present for all the classes that I missed because I stayed up too long watching movies or TV shows! Is this friendship? I think so!

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4. For sharing your food with me

Not just food, but happiness. You had my back when I was hungry. You would order pizza with me at any time of the day. They don’t make people like you anymore. Speaking of that, did I tell you that Cadbury is launching it’s two new flavours this Friendship Day – Tropical Mango and Butterscotch Crunch. Now you know what I want from you next. I’ll share it with you, of course!

5. For sharing your wardrobe with me

My clothes are your clothes and your clothes are my clothes. I guess we had that deal closed pretty early, didn’t we? It’s safe to say that I look great in all your outfits!

6. For making me laugh all the time!

Whenever I am down and about, I know you’re just a call away. Even when it is at 3 am! You are what makes me smile and there is nothing in the world that can ever change that! Your friendship is what kept me going.

7. For believing in me and always being there!

You believed in me when I ceased to believe in myself. Life wouldn’t have been half as amazing if you weren’t born. Thank you for always being my friend and pushing me to do great things. #ThanksYaar, You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for! Happy Friendship Day!

*This is a sponsored post for Cadbury

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