
Everything You Need To Know About Butt Acne And How To Get Rid Of It

Ayushi Verma  |  Mar 24, 2022
Everything You Need To Know About Butt Acne And How To Get Rid Of It

As the weather starts to heat up, some of us may get stressed over showing more skin – especially if one’s prone to body acne. Thankfully, having conversations about our acne is no longer taboo and women are going all out and embracing their bodies just the way they are. But it’s still okay to want to get rid of those pesky pimples, especially if butt acne is what you’re suffering from.

Today, we’re here to tell you that butt acne is nothing to be embarrassed about; it can be treated with certain products and it can be prevented with proper precautions. We outline all of this, as well as why it happens in the first place, ahead. 

What Is Butt Acne?

The term butt acne usually refers to folliculitis, which presents similarly to acne elsewhere and basically results from mild infection or blocked follicles, leading to acne-like bumps on the buttocks. Acne is also defined by having comedones, which are blackheads and whiteheads. 

Causes Of Butt Acne

The causes of butt acne are very similar to that of other acne on the rest of the body as well as the face. A mixture of stress, diet, genetics, normal hormonal fluctuations, and other lifestyle choices can all contribute. 

Butt Acne Treatment


Use A Salicylic Acid Face Wash

You can combat your butt acne with a salicylic acid-infused acne treatment. Salicylic acid is a form of BHA that helps remove excess oils and exfoliate dead skin cells so they don’t get trapped in your follicles and pores. 

Try Applying Benzoyl Peroxide

Try targeting your butt acne with a benzoyl peroxide body wash or cleanser. The ingredient works miraculously to treat both butt acne and folliculitis because of its antimicrobial properties. 

Wear Breathable Clothes

Yup, your go-to skinny jeans might be the culprit behind your butt acne. Tight-fitting clothes not only cause friction against your skin but also trap sweat and oil, making them more likely to block those hair follicles. 

Rinse Off After A Sweat Session

Hop into the shower right after a workout as it can help remove sweat, oil, and dirt that accumulate on the surface of the skin. 

Brighten Dark Marks With Azelaic Acid Or Glycolic Acid

The superstar ingredients do double duty – glycolic acid fights acne by helping skin shed dead skin cells and excess oil that clogs pores, while azelaic acid kills acne-causing bacteria. Both these ingredients offer brightening benefits which may develop after zits go away.

Overhaul Your Diet

What you eat is what your skin looks like. It’s best to avoid foods high in sugar and dairy content. Focus on eating green leafy vegetables, fruits, and other non-processed foods to keep breakouts at bay.

Invest In An Led Device

An LED device doesn’t just look cool, they actually work. They are used to alleviate a number of skin ailments, including acne. The red light component helps to reduce inflammation which also improves the appearance of the skin.

Say No To Pore-Clogging Products

As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to avoid any heavy pore-clogging body washes or lotions. If you’re unsure whether or not a product will clog pores, do your research before using the product. 

Home Remedies To Treat Butt Acne


Garlic Paste FTW!

Garlic has two powerful bioactive compounds – diallyl sulfide and diallyl disulfide that have the power to get rid of butt acne. All you’ve got to do is chop a few garlic pods, mash them up in a mixer and apply the paste to your buttocks. Use your hand to spread the paste and leave it on for a good 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with chilled water. Twice a month is good enough.

The Citrusy DIY

Wanna know how to get rid of butt acne? Lemon juice is one of the best home remedies for pimples on the buttocks that acts as a natural bleaching agent and does a fab job at treating bumps and spots. Slice a lemon and rub one half on your butt cheek in circular motions. Leave it there for about 10-15 minutes. Wash after with lukewarm water. If you experience skin burn during this experiment, wash the lemon juice off or dilute it with room temperature water.

Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Eucalyptus Oil

Here are some beauty tips for your butt – If your skin is oily and sweaty down there, eucalyptus oil can help. It’s one of the best home remedies for pimples on the buttocks that helps by reducing the size of sebaceous glands and the amount of oil your pores produce. If the scent of the eucalyptus oil is too strong, add a couple of drops of grapeseed oil. In the first month itself, you’ll be able to see the first sign of results.

Turmeric Paste Has Super Powers

Before you take a shower, make a paste using water and turmeric powder. Since turmeric has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, your booty is going to be in safe hands. If you have any cuts, burns, and boils, turmeric also helps with healing and soothing the pain away.

Tea Tree Oil 

The antimicrobial properties in tea tree oil help to soothe the area and get rid of acne eventually. Although it’s safe to directly use tea tree oil on your butt acne, you may experience skin reactions because the liquid is too strong. You can dilute it using water or aloe gel.

Tulsi Leaves Are The Best

When all hope is gone, here’s how to get a smooth butt. Make the most of tulsi leaves! These leaves are rich in vitamin K and have antimicrobial powers. All you’ve got to do is grind the leaves, mix the paste with water and apply it to your acne thrice a day.

The Best Products To Treat Butt Acne

Ahead, we’re listing down the best over-the-counter butt acne treatments. Keep scrolling for the products that get the job done. 

Be Bodywise 1% Salicylic Acid Body Wash

This is a safe-for-skin acid that exfoliates on a cellular level by dissolving the glue that holds dead skin cells together. The salicylic acid body wash penetrates deep into the pores to clear away clogging impurities and provides exfoliations to prevent and treat blocked pores. 

Bare Body Essentials Bum Cream

Unable to find a cure for your dark and patchy bums? May we introduce you to your new BFF. This cream will give your buttocks a makeover like never before. The presence of yogurt and honey improves the overall texture of the skin on your bum. The cream helps to reduce dark spots, lighten skin tone, and firm your skin, taking it from drab to fab. It’s time to break barriers and unravel the secret!

Mario Badescu A.H.A. Botanical Body Soap

This formula is packed with glycolic acid, ginseng extracts, and grapefruit meant to exfoliate the skin. At the same time, it also releases a gentle moisturizer meant to help balance your skin and prevent unwanted dryness. Reviewers repeatedly note how well it’s helped clear their skin, and the affordable price doesn’t hurt, either.

Thankfully, butt acne is pretty easy to treat!

Featured Image: Pexels

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