
Black Tea Benefits: 14 Reasons Why This Popular Beverage Is Good For You!  

Lubna Khan  |  Mar 24, 2022
Black Tea Benefits: 14 Reasons Why This Popular Beverage Is Good For You!  

You’ll be surprised to find out that black tea, one of the most consumed beverages in the world, has a multitude of health benefits. It is made from oxidized leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, and is loaded with antioxidants that have been found to have numerous benefits. While a lot of people know that it contains caffeine, and can improve your alertness, not many know about other black tea benefits for skin and hair. Well, your morning cup of black tea is doing more than just keeping you alert and focused. However, just like everything else, moderation is key when it comes to black tea, or it may end up doing more harm than good.

Want to know more in-depth about the benefits of black tea? Below, we have listed the health benefits of black tea, black tea benefits for skin, and black tea benefits for hair that you are probably unaware of.  

Black Tea Benefits For Skin

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You must have come across many skincare and cosmetic products with tea extracts in them. From green tea face packs and tea tree oil products to creams enhanced with black tea- the popularity of skincare products infused with tea is growing due to its many benefits for the skin. Black tea in particular has some unique beauty benefits that can help fight infections and blemishes. Below, we have listed some surprising black tea benefits for skin we bet you didn’t know about! However, it is advisable that you consult a dermatologist before you start using it for your skin. 

Prevents Premature Ageing

Exposure of skin to external environmental stressors such as pollution, harsh sunlight, etc can lead to accelerated ageing. However, one of the black tea benefits is that it may help prevent premature ageing!  Black tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols that can help prevent premature ageing. Besides, regularly drinking tea or using tea bags for your face can also help reduce wrinkles.

Helps Reduce Puffiness

Pexels- Helps Reduce Puffiness – black tea benefits for skin

Mild swelling or puffiness under your eyes can make you look tired all the time. However, the good news is that tea can help you alleviate or shrink eye bags. You can try dipping cotton in cold black tea and placing it under your eye for 15 minutes. Doing so regularly can help you reduce puffiness within a few weeks! You can also try using ice cubes of brewed black tea to help shrink the eye bags. 

May Protect Skin From UV Radiation

Harsh sunlight or exposure to harmful UV rays can cause pigmentation and other skin-related problems. Drinking black tea regularly can help tackle those skin-related issues and can also help remove pigmentation, promoting a more even skin tone. You can avail the benefits of black tea for skin not just by sipping on tea, but also applying it topically or using frozen black tea cubes to soothe your skin.  

Helps Reduce Blemishes

Blemishes on your face can make it appear dull and lifeless. One of the important black tea benefits for skin is that it can help reduce the appearance of blemishes and may also flush out toxins that cause them. Black tea may also have skin-whitening effects when used regularly over a period of time, and may help you achieve an even skin tone. You can either apply cold black tea on your blemishes with the help of a cotton ball or use it in the form of an ice cube. 

Black Tea Benefits For Hair

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Black tea benefits aren’t just limited to the skin. Did you know that black tea can also wonders for your hair? If you are someone who struggles with hair fall or has lifeless-looking hair, black tea can aid in alleviating those issues to a certain extent. How does it work? Read to find out more about black tea benefits for hair!

May Promote Hair Growth

The caffeine content present in black tea reduces the amount of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a hormone responsible for thinning of hair and the shrinkage of hair follicles; thereby subsequently promoting hair growth. You can avail this black tea benefit for hair by drinking the beverage or preparing a black tea rinse.

Enhances The Colour Of Your Hair

Black tea also contains tannins like theaflavins and thearubigins which help impart darkness to your hair. If your natural hair colour is brown or black, you can avail this black tea benefit for hair for darker hair.

Gives Your Hair A Shiny Look

If your hair looks dull and lifeless, consider rinsing your hair with black tea as it may help give them some shine. It is recommended that you apply the black tea liquor after shampooing your hair with a mild shampoo for best results.

Black Tea Benefits For Health

Pexels- Black Tea Benefits For Health

Did you know that black tea is beneficial for heart health and may also help lower your blood pressure? Scroll down for some surprising health benefits of black tea that you have probably never heard of! 

Has Antioxidant Properties

One of the most significant benefits of black tea is that it has antioxidant properties, and may help reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. Black tea contains polyphenols, a type of antioxidant, that may promote overall health. Consuming antioxidants can help remove free radicals from the cells, and reduce the cell damage caused by oxidation in your body, which can ultimately help decrease the risk of chronic diseases. 

May Help Lower Blood Pressure

People with high blood pressure can benefit greatly by making dietary and lifestyle changes to lower their blood pressure. Combined with other lifestyle modifications, drinking black tea regularly may benefit those with high blood pressure.

Beneficial For Heart Health

Another benefit of black tea is that it can help reduce the risk of heart diseases. The reason being that it contains a group of antioxidants called flavonoids, that are beneficial for heart health. Regular consumption of black tea may also help reduce risk factors of heart diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity.

May Lower LDL Cholesterol

You must have heard that too much LDL cholesterol aka ‘bad’ cholesterol can build up in the walls of your blood vessels, increasing your chances of heart attack or stroke. A significant benefit of black tea is that its regular consumption may help reduce LDL cholesterol levels in individuals with mildly elevated cholesterol levels. 

May Help Decrease Cancer Cell Development

While black tea cannot cure cancer, studies have found that it may play a role in regulating cancer cell growth and decreasing new cancer cell development. However, more research is needed to clearly establish a link between black tea and cancer cells.  

Enhances Gut Health

Another health benefit of black tea is that it can help maintain a healthy gut by promoting the growth of good bacteria, while preventing the growth of bad bacteria. 

Improves Focus And Concentration

You must have noticed that you feel more alert and focused after having a cup of black tea. That’s because black tea contains caffeine and an amino acid called L-theanine. The latter increases alpha activity in the brain, thereby improving focus and alertness. 


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Still have a few more questions about black tea benefits? Below, we have answered some frequently asked questions about black tea.

 Is it okay to drink black tea every day?

Yes, it is! Drinking it every day can help you avail the numerous benefits of black tea and can also leave you feeling refreshed. However, drink it in moderation. While it does have less caffeine than coffee, drinking it in large amounts may cause health problems and caffeine-related side effects.  

Can black tea reduce weight?

Several studies have associated the flavones in black tea with reductions in weight, BMI and waist circumference. So using black tea to replace other high-calorie beverages is a good idea if your aim is to lose weight.

Is black tea good for skin?

Yes! As mentioned above, there are numerous benefits of black tea for skin. Apart from drinking black tea, you can also dab black tea on your skin or use frozen black tea ice cubes to reap the benefits of black tea. 

Health Benefits Of Different Types Of Tea: Not just black tea, oolong tea, white tea, peppermint tea also have many benefits that you might not know about. Read all about them here! 

Chamomile Tea Benefits: There are multiple reasons to add a cup of chamomile tea to your breakfast setting. It reduces the risks of thyroid and breast cancer among its many other health benefits! Read on to find out more about the benefits of chamomile tea.   

Featured Image: Unsplash

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