
5 Genius Beauty Hacks To Help You Fake That Fresh Faced Glow

Larissa Pinto  |  Sep 21, 2020
5 Genius Beauty Hacks To Help You Fake That Fresh Faced Glow

It’s safe to say that this pandemic has ruined our sleep schedule. Thanks to the quarantine, we’ve been either staying awake the entire night binge-watching the latest shows on Netflix or working late nights at home — if you’ve been doing one or both these things, then you probably must have noticed the bags under your eyes getting bigger. Don’t panic, this is completely normal, most of us are going through the same thing. While there are certain measures you can take like following a strict skincare routine and getting 8 hours of sleep to eliminate puffy eyes or dark circles for good, it is a lengthy process with long term benefits.

For those who are looking for an immediate solution, especially if you need to meet people the next day, be it through video call or in person, then this article is just for you. If you need to eliminate your dark circles, puffy eyes, or any evidence of your lack of sleep, we’ve got you covered. There are plenty of quick-fix solutions that will help you fake a good night’s sleep and leave you looking fresh and awake the next day.

5 Quick-Fix Solutions To Fake A Fresh Face

Whether it was Netflix, work or partying, wipe away the exhaustion from your face and eyes and look awake and fresh the next day with these easy beauty hacks.

Cold Shower


It might not sound so appealing, but a cold shower works wonders by stimulating blood circulation in your body in turn, adding a glow to your dull skin. This tip is useful even for those who can barely keep their eyes open in the morning. The sudden shock of cold droplets on the skin instantly wakes you up, leaving you prepared for the day. Before reaching for your cosmetics, always jolt your skin with something chilly to not only hide any evidence of lack of sleep but also to improve your cognitive responses. 

Invest In An Eye Cream


Eye cream is a great way to depuff your eyes and make them look refreshed and awake. If late nights are unavoidable for you, choose an eye cream like the Mcaffeine Morning Puffiness Fix which is specifically designed to reduce puffiness, eases out fine lines & wrinkles and increase moisture within the skin, making it look plump and radiant.

Apply A Light Reflecting Moisturiser



Light-reflecting moisturisers or creams with pearl particles add a radiant yet subtle glow to the face. These moisturisers lend a naturally radiant glow to the skin without making it look oily or too shiny.

Colour Correct


Colour correcting is the quickest way to get rid of dark circles and tired-looking eyes. Colour correctors come in shades of green, orange, yellow and pink. For those with brown skin, orange works best for reducing the appearance of dark circles. All you need to do is just apply a bit under your eyes before applying concealer and foundations, et voila! Look like you’re all caught up on your beauty sleep.

Blush Away



Adding a wash of colour to your cheeks can instantly brighten up your face and give you a well-rested look. To get a healthy flush, just dab a light amount across the tops of your cheeks, and across the bridge of your nose to fake the flush.

Use A Nude Eyeliner


If you’re dealing with dark circles, do not reach for your black eyeliner. Instead, go for a nude shade or even white to make your eyes look awake. To cover any redness and brighten the eyes, use the nude shade on your lower waterline and a chocolate brown shade on your upper waterline. Once you’re done, add a bit of highlighter to the inner corners of your eyes and coat your lashes with mascara. This will open up the eyes instantly and you’ll erase any traces of a late night.


Who knew creating the illusion of a good night’s sleep was so easy? Go on and screenshot these hacks for the next time you pull an all-nighter.

 Featured Image: Pexels


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