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Blood: The Latest Skincare Ingredient The Beauty Industry’s Obsessed With

Blood: The Latest Skincare Ingredient The Beauty Industry’s Obsessed With

Let’s be real for a second, the thought of using blood in skincare routines is enough to make your skin crawl, right? I mean, blood is what we usually want to stop from gushing out, not something we’d slather on our faces for glowing skin. It sounds like something out of a really bad sci-fi movie, not your everyday beauty regimen. So, when I heard about platelet-rich plasma (PRP) being the latest rage in the beauty world, I definitely did a double-take.

In a conversation with Allure, Joshua Zeichner, M.D., a big name in dermatology, talked about how PRP is all the rage for improving well, everything! “Using platelet-rich plasma is a very hot trend right now in dermatology,” he said. “It is being used to improve skin tone and texture, wrinkles, and even promote hair growth.

Despite my gagging, today, we’ll be taking a deep dive into popular treatments over the past few years – ridiculously priced treatments that include drawing your own blood out, spicing it up with platelets, and using it for everything from eyebrow boosting to fancy face creams.

The Science Behind It All

Here’s the deal: PRP is your plasma but on steroids (not literally). “The idea is that the plasma of the blood is rich in proteins and growth factors that promote healthy skin cell functioning and may encourage older or lazy cells to behave more like young cells,” said Zeichner.


Everyone from Kobe Bryant to the Biebers have tried it out since it’s chock-full of growth factors that help heal tissue. So, while it’s doing wonders for wound healing and hair growth, some experts believe in exploring a more icky tangent: “Hey, why not slap this on our faces too?” And thus, a trend was born. But before we get too carried away, remember, this isn’t your everyday skincare hack. We’re in uncharted, expensive territory here so please don’t try to DIY these.

The Vampire Facial Trend

Dr. Barbara Sturm took this concept and ran with it, creating the now-famous vampire facial (yes, the one Kim K freaked out over). The treatment involves injecting your face with your own blood so that your skin can absorb all the growth factors from the PRP. It usually takes an hour and a half, but the benefits are multifold. They include skin tightening and smoothing, scar reduction as well as reducing hyperpigmentation and evening skin tone.

The Period Blood Facial Trend

While the PRP facial, minus the Dracula vibes, gained traction for its skin-smoothing powers, it’s still a bit of a leap from science to skincare. A lot of people had no access to this when it first came out in 2016. Despite the lack of evidence that it actually works, it birthed the infamous Period Blood Facial, which is exactly what the name suggests.

This DIY phenomenon, catapulted to fame on TikTok and featured women using their menstrual blood as a facial treatment. Termed “menstrual masking” or “moon masking,” it’s become quite the buzzword, with the hashtag #periodfacemask racking up billions of views. We did a comprehensive overview of the trend, here.


Bryan Johnson’s Blood Letting

Another man obsessed with blood-infused skincare is Bryan Johnson, a 45-year-old software billionaire, who has received 1 litre of his 17-year-old son’s blood in an attempt to reverse his biological age. He did stop the treatment when he found that there were no extraordinary results from this consensual bloodletting. We also did a whole in-depth piece about his obsession with blood here.

Hailey Bieber And Victoria Beckham’s Blood Moisturisers

While all of the treatments above seem straight out of a Marvel movie, blood has made its way into everyday skincare as well….for those who can afford it! Hailey Bieber and Victoria Beckham both use Dr. Barbara Sturm’s magic MC1 cream which retails for about £1200 (1 lakh) for each jar!

The cream consists of the patient’s blood and is custom blended. It’s regenerative properties allegedly make your skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom. It’s definitely high-end, a bit extravagant, and not for the faint of heart.

So, What’s The Verdict On Blood In Beauty?


Blood can indeed add a touch of quiet luxury to your skincare, but honestly, not every trend is worth jumping on. The reason Hailey Bieber’s moisturiser uses her own blood is because she can afford to splurge on every new, shiny treatment that comes her way. But it does seem like an unnecessary expense in a world of affordable serums and drugstore products that won’t need you to cut yourself open for clear skin.

While PRP treatments in a controlled, medical setting show promise, the jury’s still out on some of the more extreme uses. Remember, luxury skincare should be about pampering and results, not just shock value. In the end, your skin might just thank you for not trying out everything that goes viral on social media!

Featured Images: Instagram/ Pexels

19 Dec 2023

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