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Ready, Set, Sweat: You Can Do These HIIT Workouts During Lockdown & Burn Major Calories

Ready, Set, Sweat: You Can Do These HIIT Workouts During Lockdown & Burn Major Calories

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, work from home as well as working out at home has become the new normal for us. In India, the virus has infected 49,391 people and 1,694 people have lost their lives. With no vaccine in sight, this is a time of collective anxiety and stress.

These unprecedented times and the new rules of self-isolating ourselves can send our mental health in a damaging spiral. And we may find comfort in short-term fixes like sleeping in, binge-watching all day or snacking in the middle of the night. While it’s okay to self-soothe, it’s also important that we take care of our health, especially when we’re living through a global pandemic. Physical fitness is not just crucial for a healthy body but imperative for a healthy mind and emotional wellbeing. And now that the lockdown has been extended till May 17, we have some extra time at hand. So why not try one of the most effective forms of workout during the remaining days of Lockdown 3.0? When it comes to quick and efficient workouts, nothing can beat HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training).

Best At-Home HIIT Workouts You Can Try

Touted as one of the most effective workouts for weight loss, it helps you burn some serious calories. It includes intense exercising with rest time in between each exercise. So you work for a short time period but still burn a huge amount of calories. The best part: you don’t need too much space and or any expensive equipment. Scroll below to see some of the best HIIT workouts available on Instagram:



For Legs & Booty

Diana Mirgon’s anytime, anywhere workouts are perfect if you work out regularly. From intense full-body exercises to Tabata style workout, she does it all. And most of them without any equipment. This HIIT workout includes: 

1. Lunge hop/squat

2. Plank jacks

3. Sprawl plank jacks


4. Knee tucks

5. Power jacks

Your goal here is to perform each one for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

Cardio & Abs HIIT

A workout that has cardio in it can never get boring. Here’s how to go about it: 


1. Slow lower burpees (4x 20 seconds)
2. Heel tap and reach (45 seconds)
3. Rocking horse lunge (4x 20 seconds)
4. Rolling V-sit (45 seconds)
5. Imaginary slams (4x 20 seconds)
6. Leg drop crunch (45 seconds)
7. Broad jump to front kick run back (4x 20 seconds)
8. Reclined heel taps (45 seconds)

Now, repeat as many times as you can!

Chair HIIT

Well, of course, not all of us have fancy gym equipment at home. But don’t you worry, it’s still possible to build your muscle strength and Justine V’s chair HIIT proves just that.

Here’s how to go about the workout: Perform these nine exercises with 10 seconds of rest in between each move.


1. Running butt kicks
2. Step up to knee up
3. Push-ups
4. Jump squats
5. Plank knee up to leg lift
6. Reverse plank walkout
7. Side plank leg lifts
8. Modified burpees
9. Bulgarian split lunge

Repeat the circuit thrice. 

Full-Body HIIT

This fun workout will only take you 10 minutes to complete one circuit and requires no equipment. Caution: Keep a towel handy. Here’s how you go about the workout.

1 – In/Out Prisoner Squat Jump
2 – Push-up Plank Variation
3 – Reverse Lunge Knee Tap to High Kick – Right
4 – Reverse Lunge Knee Tap to High Kick – Left
5 – Prone Leg Lift to I-Raise
6 – Paused stunning High Knees


Repeat four rounds of the circuit with 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest in between.

No Jump HIIT

The workout is beneficial for those with weak joints as it takes the strain off your joints. Low-impact HIIT helps you burn calories without hurting your knees. Here’s how you do it:

1. Lateral lunges + elbow to knee

2. Climber twists + forearm plank


3. Squat on toes

4. Sit-ups

5. Back behinds

The goal is to perform each move for 30 seconds with 15 seconds of rest in between and you can repeat the circuit twice or thrice.



Featured Image: Shutterstock

06 May 2020

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