Wedding season for Bollywood is in full swing, and the latest celebration happened to be a wholesome affair. Ruhaan Kapoor, son of famous actors Pankaj Kapoor and Supriya Pathak, tied the knot with Manukriti Pahwa, the daughter of the talented duo Seema Pahwa and Manoj Pahwa. Ruhaan’s half-brother Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira Rajput graced the occasion and added chaar chand to the celebrations. Some glimpses from the festivities blessed our feeds and we can’t help but love every moment of it.
Just a while back, Manukriti took to her Instagram to share a photo of the whole khandaan, and it is melting our hearts. Mira looks radiant in a gorgeous blue drape from Raw Mango which she has paired with a kundan necklace. Whereas, Shahid looks dapper in a black kurta set by Divya Mehta. Even Zain and Misha look all grown up!
Here, take a look:
NGL, this picture is giving us Hum Saath Saath Hain vibes and we are lovin’ it!
Featured Image: Instagram