Ladies First follows the life, and journey, of Deepika Kumari, an Indian Olympic Gold medalist archer who left home at the age of 12 to make a career for herself. This Netflix original documentary follows the remarkable athlete who is currently ranked No. 5 in the world. Her father is an auto-rickshaw driver and her mother a nurse, hailing from Ratu Chati, a village near Ranchi, in Jharkhand. Since her parents could not financially support her archery, her cousin, a resident at the Tata Archery Academy, offered her guidance and shelter. This 23-year-old had her first breakthrough in 2005 when she joined Arjun Archery Academy and ever since she hasn’t looked back. Watch the trailer for the documentary on her here:
It is all set to release on March 8th and we cannot wait to be a part of her empowering journey.