I truly believe that it was Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma who started the trend of secret weddings in Bollywood. The two pulled off the perfect shaadi in Italy and then flew to India for an extravagant reception in Delhi. However, do you know there was a bin bulaya mehmaan at Virushka’s reception?
On Netflix’s reality show, Social Currency, Delhi-based influencer Mridul Madhok shared his story with Sunny Leonne during a task. The influencer said, “I crashed Virat and Anushka’s reception. At the time nobody knew me. The friend that I was with, I just told her to tell the bodyguard in front of us that I am Arjun Kapoor’s cousin. She went there and nervously told him that I am Arjun Kapoor’s cousin. And I just strutted in, wearing my glasses, people thought maybe I was actually some sort of a celebrity. And then I gained entry and bro, I can’t even tell you what all I saw.”
Mridul shared that he saw Gurudas Maan performing live. He was sitting right behind Harbhajan Singh and Shikhar Dhawan during the celebration. The influencer asked Sunny to tell Virat and Anushka about this so that he can return the amount of money for the food.
I bet Virat and Anushka will be laughing it off after hearing about the incident. Well done Mridul!
Featured Image: Instagram