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10 Times I Texted Bae… And He Did NOT Get How Mad I Was!

10 Times I Texted Bae… And He Did NOT Get How Mad I Was!

Boyfriends are amazing and a very important part of our lives but sometimes they can be downright ignorant! Especially when it comes to understanding that we’re angry with them! Here are 10 texts girls send when they’re mad and the annoying yet hilarious replies they get! Because, we’ve all been through almost all of these situations, right?!

1. When he totally dug his own grave!

1 texts girls send

2. When he took his laziness to another level

2 texts girls send

3. When all those words meant nothing…

3 texts girls send


4. When he left us wondering ‘What is wrong with you?!’

4 texts girls send

5. When he was okay with distance, as long as we went for that movie!

5 texts

6. When his 5 minutes meant 20 minutes!

6 texts

7. When he spoiled not just the mood but also the movie!

7 texts


8. When he thought ‘Hmm’ actually means ‘Hmm’

8 texts

9. When he was Mr. Forget-It-All!

9 texts

10. When his sleep timing was WAY off!

10 texts

Had any of these experiences or worse? Don’t worry, we’re all sailing in the same boat!

10 Nov 2016

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