Everyone wants to feel special and loved. Just like how we love it when our boyfriends say cute and romantic things, they’re equally happy when we return the favour. They might not admit it, but every time we compliment and appreciate them, they’re thrilled to bits. There is nothing better than putting a smile on your boyfriend’s face before he hits the bed. So here are a few things you could say to him that would keep him dreaming about you.
1. “I couldn’t sleep until I told you how much I am missing you and how much I love you.”
2. “I love you a little more every day. Can’t wait for tomorrow to love you a little more.”
3. “You are my dream come true.”
4. “You mean the world to me. Never forget that.”
5. “I cannot imagine my life without you. I never want to be without you.”
6. “Thank you for making my days brighter and happier.”
7. “You’re the reason for the sweet shivers down my spine and the happiest butterflies in my tummy.”
8. “I wish my dream of waking up next to you comes true very soon.”
9. “In my perfect world, every morning would begin with a kiss from you and every night would end with a cuddle with you.”
13 Cute Goodnight Texts For Your Long Distance Boyfriend
10. “I wish I had your chest as my pillow for me to put my head on.”
11. “I sleep with a smile on my face because of you.”
12. “I wish this text had arms and legs so that it could hug you tightly and give you a goodnight kiss.”
13. “I love, love, love YOU!”