From our historic win at the Oscars 2023 to the Met Gala having its coveted red carpet made in India, our country had a lot to celebrate in these past few months. Now, Sonam Kapoor has been invited to King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s coronation ceremony and we couldn’t be more excited. But wait till we tell you that she would not be the only Indian connection at the historic ceremony.
The new King and Queen will be coronated on May 6th in Westminster Abbey. Now, as per the latest buzz, a West Bengal-based designer, Priyanka Mallick has been roped in to design their outfits for the day. Reportedly, the Queen will be donning a rose-themed red dress and the King will be sporting a butterfly brooch, both designed by Priyanka. It will also have some input from locals and stylists from London.
To reveal the news, Priyanka took to her Instagram account and shared an appreciation letter received from The Queen Consort, which read, “I would like to thank you, on behalf of The Queen Consort, for so kindly sending your lovely dress design. Her Majesty was touched that you would think of her in this way and would have me thank you for taking the time to send us your sketches. You are a very talented artist. This comes with The Queen Consort’s warmest thanks.”
Talking to a leading portal, Priyanka said, “I designed the new Queen’s dress and King’s brooch. It has been a long conversation with the Royal Family for the last six months. I got an appreciation letter from the Queen for my designs. After that, I designed the brooch for the King too. She will wear the dress on May 7 at an evening party.”
Who Is Priyanka Mallick?
Priyanka Mallick is a 29-year-old designer who hails from Singur in the Hooghly district of Kolkata. If reports are to be believed, she is also a member of the Royal Commonwealth Society of the UK. She started her journey by doing an online course(e-learning) from one of the universities in Milan, Italy, and holds degrees from Havard and Stanford Universities. She is also the winner of an International Fashion Designer marathon, held in in Italy 2019. Priyanka has also been invited to attend the coronation ceremony.
If this is all true, then not only is it a proud moment for Priyanka but for our Nation as well.
Featured Image: Instagram