TV actress Tina Dutta recently accused co-star Mohit Malhotra of touching her inappropriately on the sets of their show Daayan. Later, there were reports that the makers had decided to shut the show.
Tina spoke about how she had been facing harassment for quite some time now. She had warned Mohit and also expressed how uncomfortable she is with him getting too close to her. The actress said, “He would say that his character demands that he should keep his hand here and there. There was a big showdown on the set. It happened at Klick Nixon Studios when we were shooting for a hospital scene. Some media people were also there and they saw this. Of course. I made it loud and clear. I have done rape scenes, romantic scenes and intimate scenes before in my career, but never faced something like this with anyone before. He is so annoying. He is so frustrated. It is so clear if a girl is uncomfortable, you can understand from her body language.”
A source close to the production team had revealed that despite been given several warnings, Mohit continued to behave inappropriately with Tina. In fact, the actress also broke down on the sets. The two had been avoiding each other the minute the lights went off.
Mohit denied all allegations and told the media, “She is my good friend and we share a cordial relationship.”
The actress didn’t want to escalate things, but when Mohit refused to mend his ways, she decided to go public. Talking further about the accusation, Tina said, “There was a big showdown on the set, the day he behaved inappropriately. On Saturday, he forced me to shoot a video for a news channel saying nothing is wrong. I went public only after I couldn’t take it anymore.”
And now, Mohit has given another statement denying the allegations once again. The actor said, “I don’t understand where is this coming from? After saying nothing happened, now she has gone back to giving contrary statements. How can she keep changing her statements? I have been working in the TV industry for 11 years and have shot with many women and no one has ever had any issues with me. It has taken me a long time to reach this stage in my career.”
Amid allegations, Tina gave another statement, “I and Mohit have ironed out the differences. We have concluded to make a new start. I don’t have any issues working with him. Our on-screen chemistry works for the show and shall maintain a professional environment for the betterment of the show. I am happy that our audience has liked the show and I am sure this new start will be appreciated by all and will put a rest to any further speculation.”
We hope that this isn’t another incident where the actress has been asked to ignore the inappropriate behaviour and forget anything happened for her career and show.
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