The Bigg Boss contestants have been stuck inside the house for almost five months now. While it has been a roller-coaster ride indeed, the silver lining (for the contestants) is that the most successful season of the reality show is coming to an end tomorrow. After the first finale and an extension, we’ve entered the actual final leg of the season and it came with a shocker–an unexpected mid-week eviction just a day before the finale.
Mahira Sharma was evicted last night. We are as shocked as you are. In last night’s episode, actor Vicky Kaushal entered the house to promote his upcoming movie, Bhoot Part One: The Haunted Ship, bearing sad news for Mahira. Punjab ki Katrina, Shehnaz Gill, Govinda’s niece Aarti Singh and Mahira were unsafe this week. It was an emotional moment as Paras Chhabra (Mahira’s close friend inside the house) bid her goodbye. Mahira kept saying sapna toot gaya and wished everyone luck for the finale.
Take a look at an excerpt from the show.
The Six Finalists
That brings us to our finalists: Shehnaaz Gill, Sidharth Shukla, Asim Riaz, Paras Chhabra, Rashami Desai and Arti Singh. But who’s going to be the winner?
Asim Riaz
#AsimRiazForTheWin has been continuously trending on Twitter and it has left us wondering if he is going to be the winner for this season. The model has had an amazing journey and has gone onto becoming extremely famous. Well, this could be it- he could be winning the trophy, going past the obvious choices.
Sidharth Shukla
The Balika Vadhu actor has given his all (quite literally) to the show. From being abusive and violent to being a little sensible in entertaining the audience- we’ve seen all shades of Shukla. While questions have been constantly raised on his behaviour, he continued to sail through and might just win it!
Paras Chhabra
Paras, the Sanskari Playboy was seen as one of the strongest contestants when the show had started, but his love story with Mahira didn’t sit well with his performance as a contestant on the show. He was called out for having lost his game while trying to defend Mahira at all times. Well, we think he is out of the race already.
Shehnaz Gill
If there’s anyone who is loved by all- that is Punjab Ki Katrina Shehnaaz Gill. She has solidified her spot as an entertainer, singer and the cutest person inside the house. Remember that day when Deepika Padukone and Shehnaaz along with other few contestants went out on a drive? That was the day when Shehnaaz and all of us realised how popular and loved she is. However, in a previous episode Salman advised Shehnaaz that even if she doesn’t win the trophy, she has already won people’s hearts. Now there peeps Salman gave us a hint.
Arti Singh
A self-proclaimed ‘Independent Player’- Arti has come a long way in the show. From making some startling claims about her childhood to standing up for herself, she is one of the strongest women in the house and I feel that she rightly deserves to be in the top six. But, unfortunately, she might not win the show.
Rashami Desai
Another Colors TV actress, Rashami Desai was given a second chance inside the show. The actress had got evicted months back and entered the house again as a wild card. While she is quite popular among the masses, the fact that she was evicted by the audience once, makes me highly doubtful that she will take the trophy.
That brings me to my top two picks: Undoubtedly so, it is going to be a clear fight between Asim Riaz and Sidharth Shukla and I think Asim is going to win it. What is your guess? Let us know in the comments section.
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