While it is absolutely true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, it is also true that the very same absence can lead to a lot of frustration. But that doesn’t stop LDR couples from fighting all the odds and making it work. These are some gifs that perfectly describe a long distance relationship.
1. When you’re waiting for his call…
2. When you finally make a plan to meet him…
3. When you’re super excited to tell him something but his phone is off…
4. When he pisses you off but you can’t do anything about it…
5. When you see pictures of him getting a little too friendly with that girl…
Also read: You & Your Bestie: 16 GIFS To Perfectly Sum Up Your Awesomeness
6. When he comes to visit and you piss him off by doing something stupid…
7. When you have to cancel the plans you made to meet him…
8. When you finally make time to video chat but your computer acts up…
9. When he forgets to say good morning or goodnight…
10. When he surprise visits you…
11. When he sends you a surprise gift…
12. When you meet after so long and he looks different…
Also read: 8 Things You *Can’t* Do Without In A Long Distance Relationship
13. When you’ve had a bad day but you can’t hug him…
14. When you’ve mastered the art of sending nudes…
15. When you are sleepy but he wants to keep talking…