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Why Is Everyone Raging Over Lip Basting Anyway?

Why Is Everyone Raging Over Lip Basting Anyway?

Many have drawn parallels to K-Beauty’s slugging, and more have turned to the technique to salvage their bone-dry lips from their nemeses: weather, dehydration, and more. Experts have heralded this procedure as a lip-saviour, and the Internet has convinced everyone to baste their lips in the same way you’d baste a chicken or turkey — bizarre but that’s where the name comes from. But what does lip-basting involve, and is it something you can replicate at home? Here’s everything you need to know about this lip-loving trend.

Basking In Basting: Is This Slugging For The Lips?

What Is Lip Basting?

This technique isn’t dissimilar to skin-slugging — the two share the same logic. Slugging involves packing a layer of an occlusive (much like Vaseline) onto the skin to seal in moisture overnight. And the idea of lip-basting is to deliver pumps of hydration to your lips — in the process resolving issues like chapping and dryness. But the former is a little more detailed than its K-beauty companion.

Why Do Your Lips Need Hydration?

NYC-based dermatologist Dr. Idriss explains to us that our lips feel dry and chapped thanks to a couple of factors like — licking your lips; the dryness of the weather; wind-burn; and dehydration are a few examples. Even sun-induced damage and a lack of a self-care routine for the lips can turn your lips into a bone-dry desert.

How Do You Baste Your Lips?

There’s a way to salvage your lips, and return them to their hydration-filled glory in a few steps. Here’s what you do. You start off by exfoliating your lips with a chemical exfoliant (only). Don’t attempt at scrubbing your lips with a physical exfoliant — these scrubs exfoliate your lips unevenly and superficially, and can hurt you if you’re too harsh. Let the exfoliant sit on the surface for about 10 seconds before washing it off. You can look for toners that are formulated with lower concentrations of AHAs like Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid.


Go on to layer a thick emollient onto your lips — like a hydration-boosting moisturiser to lock in all the moisture. Give the product a few minutes to soak into your lips. Your lips will look creamy and opaque initially, and slowly, they’ll turn translucent — and there — buttery-smooth, juice-laden lips within the hour. Wipe the cream off once it has turned translucent. You can try basting your lips overnight too.

If you’re sensitive to essential oils, try products containing skin-soothing ingredients panthenol or calendula instead — these are ideal for those with sensitivity.

Are you trying this technique any time soon? I know I am — in conjunction with slugging!

Featured Image: Instagram

25 Jul 2022

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