Janhvi Kapoor never fails to impress us with her sartorial fashion choices. Currently the actress is in Europe for her upcoming film Bawaal. Well, at the risk of stating the obvious, Janhvi is looking nothing but stunning while spending her time in Berlin. The Dhadak actress wore a floral dress that caught the eyes of her fans!
Apt for springtime, the actress shared a carousel of pictures on the ‘Gram captioned “hallo Berlin!”. Her breezy dress was the highlight, featuring a high-thigh slit and spaghetti straps. We love how her ‘no-makeup’ makeup look is complementing the dress.
Along with a barrage of celebs, BFF Shanya Kapoor also commented on the post saying, “I’m stealing this dress”. We, like her stylish bestie, couldn’t agree more that this photoshoot was to die for! We loved the dress (almost as much) as Shanaya! To see more of this talented actress, you will have to wait till April. The film is scheduled to hit the big screens on April 7, 2023.
All the best, Janhvi!
Feature image credit – Instagram