We are girls and we have a love-hate relationship with our bras. Removing our bras after a long tiring day is one of the best feelings, and if you ask us, we’d love to NOT wear one every day. But the thing is that most of us have been conditioned to feel at least a bit uncomfortable stepping out braless, not just because we actually feel uncomfortable, but because of the stares. Also, our bras are always there for us, to support us, to carry our baggage and so we can’t just let them go, right? SO confusing, isn’t it? Anyway, read these confessions from girls where they are answering a crucial question: is it inappropriate to NOT wear a bra? And find out what they really have to say…
1. ‘Do men with boobs wear bras? No.’ – Good point!
Ruby Lindan answers on Quora: No. Bra wearing has started after the 1900s, so this hasn’t been forever. Women should not feel bad for not wearing a bra. Do men with boobs wear bras? No. And no one judges them for that.
2. ‘If you don’t find it inappropriate, it is not inappropriate.’ – It all depends on your choice!
Sabrina Deep answers on Quora: People will always be judgmental. It is only your own judgment that counts when it comes to your own self. If you feel more comfortable without a bra and if you value your judgment at least as much as you value others’ judgment you will not wear that bra. In other words, if you don’t find it inappropriate, it is not inappropriate.
3. ‘My comfort is important’ – Yes, comfort comes first.
Sam Murray answers on Quora: Wearing bras makes me feel uncomfortable. I hate them, and I think that my comfort is important.
4. ‘If you do choose not to wear one, make sure you don’t look too self-conscious.’ – Exactly!
Val Choung answers on Quora: Feel free not to, but know that you’d probably get some unwelcome/confused stares, and someone might think that you’re showing nipples by accident. If you do choose not to wear one, make sure you don’t look too self-conscious.
5. ‘I have a love-hate relationship with my bras.’ – So do we…
Anangsha Alammyan answers on Quora: I have a love-hate relationship with my bras. When I’m wearing one, it feels as if I’ve willingly let myself into a cage – one that constricts movement and cuts into my skin ever so often. When I’m not, I feel light and free and comfortable. But the pain of a bumpy autorickshaw ride is the price I pay for this comfort.
You can read the full thread here on Quora
So, what do YOU think?