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I Let My Guy Friend Do My Makeup & THIS Is What I Looked Like!

I Let My Guy Friend Do My Makeup & THIS Is What I Looked Like!

Boys and makeup – not one of the best combinations, right? Well, with men coming out with fabulous makeup tutorials on the internet these days, I thought of doing something super interesting just for you guys.

So, I nabbed my friend Vmanyu and asked him to do my makeup! He pretty much hates me now for making him do this… But then, what are friends for, silly? *Wink*

Also, one should know that it takes a lot of trust and courage to let someone do this to you (knowing that it can make or break your look for the day). Having said that, I trusted him enough to make me look like a human by the end of it, and a pretty one at that.

So, this is how it went down – while Vmanyu helped me get ready for my faux date, he noticed my extremely pink makeup pouch first thing, and low-key judged me for it. Well, how the next one hour went is what you should see with the help of the following pictures because no amount of words will ever do justice to the amount of fun we had!


So, we begin… At first, he wondered what the pink beauty blender sponge was for, but soon realised and started dabbing the foundation with it. Good job!

1 I let my guy friend do my makeup guy applying foundation

Then came some base to ‘set the foundation’. We have to say that we were kind of impressed. 

2 I let my guy friend do my makeup guy applying base


Okay, now? Time for some eye makeup!

Vmanyu – ‘I am so confident about this. I will make her look like a star today!’

3 I let my guy friend do my makeup guy doing eye makeup

Vmanyu – ‘You said brows like Kylie, so here you go!’


Me – ‘But bro, I don’t want them to look like caterpillars.’

4 I let my guy friend do my makeup guy doing eyebrows

Vmanyu – ‘You girls look so pretty with red cheeks. I have always liked to see this.’

Me – ‘Yeah, sure!’


5 I let my guy friend do my makeup guy applying blush

Vmanyu – ‘Can you pout so I can put the lipstick now?’

Me – ‘But what the hell did you do to my eyes?’

6 I let my guy friend do my makeup guy applying lipstick


The resultant masterpiece (and my date, because clearly no one is going out with me if I look like THIS)7 I let my guy friend do my makeup

Well, I might have looked better in the past with makeup on, but let’s give him a little credit for this masterpiece. I may never allow him to do this to me again, but just so you know, we had a lot of fun doing this and here is a little video to prove that.

How about we all do this? Let’s get our guy friends/boyfriends to do our makeup and see how that turns out. Trust me, it was one helluva fun experience! Post your video on Instagram and tag @POPxodaily! We would love to see the results!

10 Jul 2017

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