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Beach Please: A Mini Guide On How To Take Care Of Your Skin If You’re Headed For A Vacay



Summertime and beach are almost synonymous. However, when you’re at the beach, clicking multiple photos and creating content for your Instagram, your skin is definitely not having a gala time. Baking under the sun is lovely but your skin is being exposed to major UV rays at that time.

So, to keep your skin healthy and happy, here is your mini-guide on how to prep for the beach.

How To Prepare Your Skin For The Sunshine-Filled Vacations On The Beach




The sun and the sea, combined, make our skin feel extremely parched. The constant exposure to direct sunlight also degrades important proteins, collagen and elastin. But that doesn’t mean that you need to skip hitting the beach altogether. Here are some amazing skincare tips on how to prepare your skin for a sunny holiday.

Pre-Beach Skincare Tips


Hydrate, on repeat!

The harmful rays will leave your skin feeling extremely dry, so do apply multiple layers of body lotion with SPF benefits. Choose an anti-ageing lotion as it’s filled with important ingredients such as collagen, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid that provides an extra protective layer.


If you have extremely dry skin, then mix a few drops of hyaluronic acid with your body lotion/butter as it’ll provide the extra hydration boost your skin really needs. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen afterward.

Another very important thing to keep in mind is that do not get waxed or bleached 1-2 days prior to your holiday as the skin is really vulnerable and can cause severe sunburns.

Make sure you are following your pre-beach skincare tips for at least 5 days before your holiday.

Beach Day Skincare Tips


Now, let’s talk about how to protect your skin on your beach-y day.


The day you’re going to the beach, make sure you apply multiple layers of SPF-infused body lotion, followed by the application of sunscreen. If you have sensitive skin, then choose a sunscreen that won’t leave a white cast behind. Make sure you apply it at least 20-30 minutes before going to the beach and not just a few minutes before.

Apply it on your face, ears, a lot on the forehead and on the nose, hands, feet, in between fingers, stomach; every body part that will be exposed to the sun. If you are a water baby, then applying waterproof sunscreen is your best bet. You can also wear a straw hat as we bet it’s going to look hella cute with your beach OOTDs!

You shouldn’t forget about your lips as they are extremely sensitive and being in the sun can crack them up. Ditch your playful, cute lip balms for an SPF-infused one, even if you’re planning to wear lipstick.

Lastly, keep your body hella hydrated. Drinks loads of water and glow baby, glow.


Post-Beach Skincare Tips

Hydrate and protect, again. The goal is to replenish your skin with all the moisture it lost while you were living your best life at the beach. 

Firstly, take a nice, cold bath to calm down your skin and also reduce the chances of sunburn. If you don’t feel any sort of burn or discomfort, then wash your body with a mild shower gel as the zinc oxide present in most sunscreens is a little tricky to remove.

After your bath, apply a generous layer of body lotion to makeup up for the moisture loss. Choose a product that has aloe vera, shea butter, or Vitamin C that can reverse sun damage. You can totally apply multiple body lotions/ butter because the more, the merrier.

Mixing a few drops of an anti-ageing serum in your body lotion or applying it directly to your skin is an amazing idea.


Let’s make that Goa plan happen already!

Featured Image: Pexels.com

25 Mar 2021

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