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7 Men Confess How They *Really* Feel About Period Sex!

7 Men Confess How They *Really* Feel About Period Sex!

When we get our periods every month, they do affect our hormones. For most of us, that means anxious behaviour, mood swings and sometimes, feeling horny too. It’s completely normal to have sex in those days, you know. Although, some people choose to not do it because it’s a bit messy. But having sex during periods is absolutely okay and above all, it’s more of a personal agreement between you and your partner. So if you are thinking of going for it and wondering what your boyfriend thinks about this idea, then here are few answers we found on Reddit by men about what they feel about sex during periods. These will definitely help you decide the best! Have a look.

1. The one who wants you to know that he doesn’t care about the blood…

Asuuhdude answers on Reddit: A knight never fears getting blood on his blade!

1 sex during periods - dean expressions

2. The one who wants you to know that it never bothered him…

Man_in_a_chair answers on Reddit: Never bothered me as long as we were prepared for it (towels, washed clothes, etc).


3. The one who wants you to know that it doesn’t change anything. Love is still love!

N0SF3RATU answers on Reddit: I’ve done it. Sex is sex. Love is love. Gina is Gina.

3 sex during periods - cute guy blushing

4. The one who wants you to know that he doesn’t fear it!

Cigsoncigsoncigs answers on Reddit: I have no fear sailing the red sea.

5. The one who wants you to know that he doesn’t mind it as long as it’s with someone he’s dating…

LateralusNYC answers on Reddit: I don’t mind it. I feel that it’s different for each girl and I probably wouldn’t do it with someone I wasn’t dating.


5 sex during periods - shahrukh khan how you doing

6.  The one who wants you to know that he would respect your decision in this case!

Pope1701 answers on Reddit: Depends on the girl. I don’t care.

7.  The one who wants you to know that he’ll go for it but there would be some limits…

Aintprivytoit answers on Reddit: A wise person once said, ‘It’s ok to swim in the red sea just don’t drink from it.’

7 sex during periods - ryan gosling smiling


You can read the full thread here on Reddit.

Girls, now you know!


Vagina Meaning in Hindi


GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

06 Jul 2017

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