Hours after Neha Kakkar slammed comedians for body-shaming her, Gaurav Gera extended an apology to the popular singer. Speaking to a leading news portal, Gaurav said that he would never want to hurt Neha as he is a big fan.
In an interview with Times Of India, Gaurav gave an explanation on his intentions of not hurting Neha Kakkar. The comedian said, “I would not want to hurt her because I am a fan of hers. I love the way she sings and her songs are definitely parties ki jaan (her songs add fun to the party).” Well, we agree with Gaurav on that one!
“Even if I don’t know her personally, we share greetings with each other whenever we meet. Her talent is totally appreciated, I am nobody to prove it to her. She has 30 million followers on Instagram who are there to prove to her how much they love her,” said the celebrated comedian.
The entire controversy brewed over a comic piece called, Dr. Pran Lele, which featured Gaurav Gera and Kiku Sharda. In the video that aired in between movie telecast on Sony Max, Kiku (who played the doctor) and Guarav’s (nurse) patient was a male guest, short in height, dressed as a girl named ‘Neha Shakkar’. Take a look at the not-so-funny video here:
Here’s what Neha wrote on her Instagram stories, expressing how ‘hurt’ she was.
Neha’s brother, Tony Kakkar expressed his disgust and disappointment by slamming the comedians via a social media post. He captioned it “Heartbroken”. The video, however, was later removed by Sony Television- a network Neha is already associated with (as the host of Indian Idol Season 11).
While clarifying, Gaurav also said that Neha hadn’t taken their names. “She has also shared her disappointment towards the channel. The channel has removed the video. Kiku and I, we both were talking and we are a fan of hers. Who doesn’t love her? We are proud of her. She is got India name and fame. My idea was not to hurt her. She is fantastic, a rockstar and she doesn’t need me to say it, ” said Gaurav. The comedian further said that he never intended to mock her height because both he and Kiku are not tall at all. “I didn’t even know about the height part, and I myself don’t have an average height. Kiku is short-heighted. We make fun of each other so much in all the episodes. Meri koi aukat nahi hai to tell her anything… (I am no one to comment on her). I really had no idea that she would be so hurt,” Gaurav further said further in the interview.
Well, Neha clarified yesterday that she forgave and forgot what the haters did. We appreciate how Neha took the high road. And we also appreciate that Gaurav was quick enough to realise his mistake. For the future, however, let’s just stick to healthy humour and refrain from body-shaming anyone. We are all gifted in different ways and we must focus on celebrating that instead.
Featured Image: Instagram
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