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‘It Melts My Heart When She…’ 7 Boyfriends Share!

‘It Melts My Heart When She…’ 7 Boyfriends Share!

Sweet cuddling sessions, warm hugs, spontaneous kisses – don’t they feel great? When your boyfriend does these cute little things for you, it really makes your day beautiful. You wear a smile on your face throughout and it feels amazing, right? But what are those little things that ‘you’ do which can take away his heart with a blink of an eye? Any idea? If you do, please continue doing so since he really, really likes them. And if you don’t, here is a thread we found on Reddit where men shared the little things their girlfriends do that melts their heart right away! Take a look.

1. The one who melts when she buries her face in his chest while hugging!

Johntheblack answers on Reddit: During a hug when she buries her face in my chest, weird but wonderful.

1 guys reveal the little things girls do that make them melt - girl and guy hugging

2. The one who melts when his kiss makes her smile…

IndeterminantEngr answers on Reddit: Sometimes I’d kiss her and she’d smile halfway through the kiss. Then she’d notice because it kind of broke the kiss, and she’d go back in with more affection. But the sheer thought that my kiss made her so happy she’d unconsciously smile always melted my heart.


3. The one who melts when she would hug him…from behind!

Omniglare answers on Reddit: For me, it was when my girlfriend would hug me from behind while I was working on something or just got home, always made me turn around and kiss her.

3 guys reveal the little things girls do that make them melt - girl hugging guy from behind

4. The one who melts when she puts her hand on his chest!

Black_fire answers on Reddit: When she puts her head on my shoulder or puts her hand on my chest. It’s a quiet way of saying, ‘thank you for being here right now’

5. The one who melts when she borrows his shirt and always manage to look AWESOME in it!

Teeeeejkim answers on Reddit: When girls borrow clothes from me, like a sweater or shirt, and then they ‘steal it’. But hell, looks better on them than it’ll ever look on me.


5 guys reveal the little things girls do that make them melt - alia bhatt happy

6. The one who melts when she leaves him a sweet sticky note saying…I Love You!

SwiperDaFoxx answers on Reddit: My wife left me a sticky note inside my wallet this morning and it said ‘I love you’. Nothing more, nothing less. At 5 am I cried like a baby wanting to wake her up.

7. The one who melts when she makes him realise how proud she is…of him!

LlewelynHolmes answers on Reddit: If she tells me she’s proud of me. Bonus points if she specifies why she’s proud. Affirmation is nice.

7 guys reveal the little things girls do that make them melt - minion kiss


You can read the full thread here on Reddit.

Girls, now you know!

GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

29 Jun 2017

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