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10 Gestures That Feel AMAZING When Made By The *Right* Guy!

10 Gestures That Feel AMAZING When Made By The *Right* Guy!

Just holding hands or going for a walk together or simply a nice, tight hug – the tiniest of things, mean so much when done with the right guy in our lives. And some sweet little gestures become even more special when done by “Mr. Perfect”. To explain this further, we give you 10 gestures that make every girl feel amazing – of course, we mean when they’re done by our one true love!

1. Holding hands

Somehow, holding hands with him just feels so perfect. That warm, secure feeling is unparalleled, isn’t it? That grip and the ‘I’ll be by your side always’ feeling feels more just just amazing. And when your fingers are intertwined with his, it feels like you both are made for each other.

1 gestures that make every girl feel amazing

2. Back hugs

It is so sweet when he surprises you and gives you a tight hug from behind! There is no girl who doesn’t love these. And the light kiss on the ear that usually follows makes the situation all the more romantic.


3. Stroking your hair

One of the most romantic little gestures that makes you feel loved and relaxed is when the guy strokes and plays with your hair. #PrincessVibes

3 gestures that make every girl feel amazing

4. Wearing his clothes

When it is the right person, somehow his T-shirt that is actually over-sized for you, seems like the most comfortable piece of clothing you could have ever worn in your life.

5. Spooning

Just lying down next to him and having his body envelop yours makes you feel so safe, warm and loved. There is no better position to sleep in! #Lovestruck


5 gestures that make every girl feel amazing

6. Placing your head on his shoulder

His shoulder is the perfect spot for you to rest your head on while watching TV. And the way he takes care of your neck while giving it his shoulder support makes you feel so cared for, right?

7. Hugging each other

When you are with a person who you know is perfect for you, his hugs make you feel secure. Sometimes, after a long day at work, a simple hug from him is all you need to take away all your stress and exhaustion.

7 gestures that make every girl feel amazing


8. The way he looks at you

There is some magic in the way he looks at you that makes you believe that you are the most beautiful person in this world. No matter how long you both have been together, he is still able to make you blush and feel butterflies in your stomach when he looks at you with eyes filled with love.

9. Kisses

The way a man kisses says a lot about how he feels about you. When you kiss the right man in your life, the kiss just feels right and makes you feel nothing less than Anne Hathaway did in Princess Diaries!

9 gestures that make every girl feel amazing

10. When he says ‘I love you’…

..because when he says it, you know he truly means it. These 3 sweet words of love, which mean the most for anyone are best received when said by your one true love!


GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

16 Feb 2017

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